is a tool that assists web developers in the creation, maintenance and isolation of development environments through automation. You will be able to easily and quickly create isolated environments to many projects in almost any development stack. Automation happens by the use of simple scripts and images.
![Gitter]( Chat.svg)
- Multiplatform: Works on Linux & Mac OS X (requires 64 bit platform in both cases)
- Images: via Docker Registry
- Built in load-balancer
- Built in file sync
- Automatic start-up (and reload) script
- Logging
- And simple and easy to use DSL to describe its architecture:
Obs: this is just an example with all the choices available on Azkfile.js
it is not a valid configuration for an application. Use it only as reference.
// Adds the systems that shape your system
'node-example': {
// Dependent systems
depends: ["db"],
// More images:
image: "dockerfile/nodejs",
// Steps to execute before running instances
provision: [
"npm install",
workdir: "/azk/#{manifest.dir}",
command: "node index.js",
mounts: {
// Mounts folders to assigned paths
"/azk/#{manifest.dir}": path("."),
// Start with 2 instances
scalable: { default: 2},
// Set hostname to use in http balancer
http: {
domains: [ "#{}.#{azk.default_domain}" ],
envs: {
// Exports global variables
NODE_ENV: "dev",
db: {
image: "tutum/mysql",
mounts: {
// Activates a persistent data folder in '/data'
"/data": persistent("data-#{}"),
ports: {
data: "3306/tcp",
envs: {
MYSQL_PASS: "senha",
MYSQL_USER: "admin",
export_envs: {
DATABASE_URL: "mysql://#{envs.MYSQL_USER}:#{envs.MYSQL_PASS}@#{}:#{}/",
// Sets a default system (to use: start, stop, status, scale)
is based on the concept of System of Systems. Accordingly, applications (your code), services and workers (such as databases, webservers and queue systems) are treated as systems that communicate with each other and together make the primary system. Using this paradigm, azk
installs and manages development environments. While this may seem overkill at first, it actually makes it a lot easier to manage the development and execution environments of an application (in its parts - the "systems" - or in its entirety - the full "system of systems").
In order to automate the provisioning of development environments, azk
uses pre-built custom images. These images follow the Docker standard and can be found in: Docker Index or Dockerfile.
files are the cornerstone of how to use azk
. These simple manifest files describe the systems that make your system of systems as well as the images used in their execution. They also describe parameters and execution options.
Full Azkfile.js example
If you are starting a new application project, you can already use azk
to obtain the proper runtime as well the corresponding generators for your chosen language and then generate the application's basic structure. An example in node.js would look like this:
$ cd ~/projects
$ azk shell --image dockerfile/node # obtaining the runtime
# mkdir app-name
# npm init # building the application's basic structure
# exit
$ cd app-name
$ azk init
azk: 'Azkfile.js' generated
$ azk start
When you already have an application project going on and want to use azk
to streamline its development environment, all you have to do is as follows:
$ cd [my_application_folder]
$ azk init
azk: 'Azkfile.js' generated
$ azk start
Until recently, version 0.6.0
was still an alpha version, but now it has reached a maturity level that makes it a beta version (now it can be installed and updated by installation packages).
For those who have tested it before (prior to this beta version), please perform the following procedures before installing the new version:
- Warning:
azk 0.6.0
is NOT backward compatible with prior versions, therefore your persistent folders like dependencies or databases will be deleted. To perform a backup:
$ azk agent stop
$ cp -Rf ~/.azk/data [path_to_backup]
- For projects in which you were already using
, it is required to update azkfile.js, replacingmounts_folders
for mounts, according to the following example:
Where used to be:
example: {
// ...
mounts_folders: { ".": "/azk/#{}" },
persistent_folders: [ "/data" ],
It should be replaced by (note the inversion of the values of mounts_folders
example: {
// ...
mounts: {
"/azk/#{}": path("."),
"/data": persistent("data"),
- Next time you execute the start command in one of these projects, it must be done this way:
$ azk start --reprovision
- Finally, you can remove an old
$ azk agent stop
$ azk vm remove # mac only
$ rm -Rf ~/.azk
$ sudo rm /etc/resolver/
# and remove `~/.azk/bin` from your `$PATH`
- Now you are able to install new
- Mac OS X or Linux (requires 64 bit platform) (Windows: planned)
- bash
- Internet connection
It is necessary to install Virtualbox and an extra tool for file synchronization:
- VirtualBox, version 4.3.6+ (VMware: planned)
Using Homebrew Cask? It makes installing VirtualBox super easy!
$ brew cask install virtualbox --appdir=/Applications
Now the installation of azk
$ brew install azukiapp/azk/azk
Run azk agent
in a terminal:
$ azk agent start
- Distribution (tested): Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 and Fedora20
- Docker 1.1.0 or greater
- Not running any service in
If you are running a service on ports 80
or/and 53
you can customize the configuration by setting the environment variable AZK_BALANCER_PORT
respectively before run azk agent start
- Install docker
- install latest version of Docker
- check if docker service is running;
- configure your user giving non root access;
- fix dns service;
- Then, add the Azuki repository key to your local keychain.
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver \
--recv-keys 022856F6D78159DF43B487D5C82CF0628592D2C9
- Add the Azuki repository to your apt sources list:
$ echo "deb [arch=amd64] trusty main" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/azuki.list
- Update and install the
and dependencies packages:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install azk
- Install docker
- install latest version of Docker
- check if docker service is running;
- giving non root access for yours user;
- Then, add the Azuki repository key to your local keychain.
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver \
--recv-keys 022856F6D78159DF43B487D5C82CF0628592D2C9
- Add the Azuki repository to your apt sources list:
$ echo "deb [arch=amd64] precise main" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/azuki.list
- Update and install the
and dependencies packages:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install azk
- Then, add the Azuki repository key to your local keychain.
$ rpm --import \
- Add the Azuki repository to your apt sources list:
$ echo "[azuki]
" > /etc/yum.repos.d/azuki.repo
- Install the
and dependencies packages:
$ sudo yum install azk
- Before run
azk agent
- check if docker service is running;
- giving non root access for yours user;
- Install docker
- install latest version of Docker
- check if docker service is running;
- giving non root access for yours user;
Install libnss-resolver dependency;
$ git clone ~/.azk
$ cd ~/.azk
$ make
- Add
to your $PATH for access to theazk
command-line utility.
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.azk/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
# and reload
$ source ~/.bash_profile
Linux/bash note: Modify your ~/.bashrc
instead of ~/.bash_profile
Zsh note: Modify your ~/.zshrc
file instead of ~/.bash_profile
- Run
azk agent
in a terminal:
$ azk agent start
# Control azk agent
$ azk agent start # Starts azk agent in background
$ azk agent status # Shows azk agent status
$ azk agent stop # Stops azk agent
# Create initial Azkfile.js
$ azk init [project_path]
# Run a shell in instances context
$ azk shell # Runs shell in default system
$ azk shell -c "ls -l /" # Runs specific command
$ azk shell -m ~/:/azk/user # Running with aditional mounting
# Run a shell in arbitrary image
$ azk shell -i busybox # Runs a shell in arbitrary imagem
# Run background systems (Azkfie.js#systems)
$ azk start # Starts all systems
$ azk start [system_name,...] # Starts specific systems
$ azk stop # Stops specific service
$ azk status # Displays all systems statuses
$ azk stop [system_name,...] # Stops specific systems by names
$ azk scale [system_name,...] 5 # Starts 5 instances of specific systems
$ azk restart [system_name,...] # Restarts a systems
$ azk restart --reprovision # Restarts a systems and reload provision
First install azk in from the source. Now you can run tests:
$ cd ~/.azk
$ azk nvm grunt test
Note that running these tests requires you to have azk agent
To run test with filters run use azk nvm grunt --grep "test name"
$ azk nvm grunt --grep "Azk generator"
"Azuki", "Azk" and the Azuki logo are copyright (c) 2013-2014 Azuki Serviços de Internet LTDA.
Azk source code is released under Apache 2 License.
Check LEGAL and LICENSE files for more information.