Python 3.7
Selenium library
Google chrome web browser
Instantiate chrome instance
Get to the desired web page
Locate web element
Interact with web element
- by id
- by class name
- by name (html name attribute of element)
- by tag name
- by xpath
- by css selector
- by link text (a href html tag)
- by partial link text
- xpath
- CSS selector
Separate lessons will be dedicated to these two ways of locating element.
Why are they usefull? - We can do sth like "Find element that has two child elements of type div that each has two li elements below it."
driver.find_element_by ... -> returns webelement object
driver.find_elements_by ... -> returns list of webelement objects
Here can be found web elements that we are going to use during exercises https://formy-project.herokuapp.com .
We can find detailed documentation of python selenium api on this link https://selenium-python.readthedocs.io . This is place where I used to spend lot of time when I was working with selenium.
One that is:
- Unique
- Descriptive
- Static
- Install PyCharm community version
- Install google chrome
- Get chromedriver (check chrome version first)
- pip install selenium
- During development process, that can last several years, every week new features are added.
- Before proceeding with new functionalities, we need to be sure that old features work.
- Using automated tests, we can easily test all product features at once.
TextBox, Submit button, CheckBox, Radio button, how to click on Image, Select value from DropDown, Mouse Click and Keyboard events, How to upload and Download files, Alert & Pop up window handling, Handling Web Tables, Verifying Tooltip.