#svg2map convert conditionally-styled SVG to raster map tiles.
- rip SVG layer out of the frontend
- strip out anything you don't want
- add XML headers to the SVG data, save as a .svg
- get the lat/lng coordinate pair of the NW corner of your SVG bounding box
- modify the script to fit your data
- run script, get tiles
needs pycairo (easy_install pycairo
) and the python bindings for librsvg (sudo apt-get install python-rsvg
- clean up the code, first and foremost
- render only a specified extent of the SVG
- render zoom levels LESS than the initial scale of the raw, initial SVG
- SVG headers: what does cairo/rsvg need? wikipedia SVG files work, most others don't
- some way to tie geojson, svg, and this script together without so much work on the part of the user