This is a sample project, stored in git, that can be built and deployed to OpenShift. It is based on the OpenShift project ("jee-ex"), found in OpenShift on github
Prerequisite: Working OpenShift/MiniShift command line environment, with openshift running
Navigate to correct project
$ oc project poc
Create a new openshift app, using github repository as a basis
$ oc new-app --image-stream="openshift/wildfly:latest"
a. Watch the build log via
$ oc logs -f bc/xcom-jee-ex
b. Check overall status
$ oc status
Expose a route for the application (for the request inbound to openshift cluster to be routed to the correct service)
$ oc expose svc/xcom-jee/ex
Open default web resource (index.html) in browser
$ ./minishift openshift service xcom-jee-ex --in-browser -n poc
Open web console in browser
Select the Project to which you want to add the application (drop-down to the right of "Projects").
a. If you want to create a new project, select "View all projects" from the drop-down, and click on New Project
Click the "Add to project" drop-down and click "Browse catalog"
Click the "Java" tile
Select latest Wildfly from drop-down and click "Select"
Fill out the application info:
a. Name: xcom-jee-ex
b. Git Repository URL:
Click "Create"
You will see an "Application created" screen. Click "Continue to overview"
Check the status of the build. When it's finished, you will see an Application entry for it, a running pod (far right), and the access URL
Open URL in browser. There will be a default index.html. From there, you can see a few links to be used for demo purposes.
Bask in the glory, openshift stud!