- python3
- Tensorflow version 1.2 with GPU support
- ViZDoom version 1.1.2 (pip install vizdoom)
- numpy
- tqdm
- ruamel.yaml
- opencv version 3.1.0
To install python dependecies:
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- DQN Human-Level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Double Dueling DQN Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning
- A3C Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
- N-step asynchronous DQN Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Alll training scripts looad settings from multiple yaml file (settings are combined, reocurring keys are overwritten by newest entries). By default "settings/defaults/common_defaults.yml" and "settings/XXX_defaults.yml will be loaded (XXX in {a3c, adqn, dqn}). To load addditional settings use -s / --settings switch.
For convenience, multiple yml files with scenarios are held separately.
Default settings aren't particularly focused on giving fast results and might leave no output for very long time. Settings in settings/examples directory should work out of the box though.
./train_a3c.py -s <SETTINGS_FILES>
./train_a3c.py -s settings/examples/basic_a3c.yml
# Using your settingo:
./train_a3c.py -s {YOUR_SETTINGS1} {YOUR_SETTINGS2} settings/basic.yml
Tensorboard logger level is set to 2 by defulat so don't expect info logs from tf.
- Lots of console output including loaded settings, training/test results and errors. The output is partly colored so it might be difficulat to read as raw text.
- Log file with output hte same as one from console in a path resembling {logfile}_{DATE_AND_TIME}.log. (if logfile is specified)
- Tensorboard scalar summaries with scores (min/mean/max/std) and learning rate in {tf_logdir} (tensorboard_logs by default).
- TF model saved in a path resembling {models_path}/{scenario_tag}/{NETWORK_NAME}/{DATE_AND_TIME}
usage: test_a3c.py [-h] [--episodes EPISODES_NUM] [--hide-window]
[--print-settings] [--fps FRAMERATE] [--agent-view]
[--deterministic DETERMINISTIC]
A3C: testing script for ViZDoom
positional arguments:
MODEL_PATH Path to trained model directory.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Number of episodes to test. (default: 10)
--hide-window, -ps Hide window. (default: False)
--print-settings, -hw
Print settings upon loading. (default: False)
If window is visible, tests will be run with given
framerate. (default: 35)
--agent-view, -av If True, window will display exactly what agent
sees(with frameskip), not the smoothed out version.
(default: False)
--seed SEED, -seed SEED
Seed for ViZDoom. (default: None)
File for output of stats (default: None)
If 1 dtests will be deterministic. (default: 1)
# You need to have a pretrained model
./test_a3c.py models/basic/ACLSTMNet/09.04_11-21 -e 10 --seed 123