This action posts workflow status notifications into your Slack channel. The notification includes details such as the Actor, Event, Branch, Workflow Name, Status, and Run Durations.
🚀 [NEW] This action now supports uploading and referencing Playwright artifacts (e.g., JUnit test results and report URLs) to provide detailed context about your workflow's execution in the comment thread of the workflow status notification.
- Posts workflow status to slack using Slack API (not webhook).
- Includes individual job statuses and durations (optional).
- Includes Playwright (Junit) test result summaries with failure and flake details in comment thread. (optional)
- Includes a report URL for Playwright-based jobs in comment thread. (optional)
Name | Required | Default | Description |
repo_token | Yes | - | A token is automatically available in your workflow secrets var: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}} . You can optionally send an alternative self-generated token. |
slack_token | Yes | - | Your Slack token for posting notifications. |
channel | No | - | The Slack channel to send notifications to. |
include_jobs | No | true |
When set to true , includes individual job statuses and durations in the Slack notification. Use false to exclude them or on-failure to include only when the workflow fails. |
include_jobs_time | No | true |
When true , includes job run times in the Slack notification. |
include_commit_message | No | true |
When true , includes the head commit message in the notification. |
jobs_to_fetch | No | 30 |
Sets the number of jobs to fetch for workflows with a large number of jobs. |
notify_on | No | always |
Controls when notifications are sent: always , fail-only , never . |
comment_junit_failures | No | false |
When true , includes JUnit test failures in the Slack notification comment thread. |
comment_junit_flakes | No | false |
When true , includes JUnit test flakes in the Slack notification comment thread. |
comment_junit_fail_emoji | No | :x: |
Emoji used for JUnit test failures. |
comment_junit_flakes_emoji | No | :warning: |
Emoji used for JUnit test flakes. |
Usage of this composite action is optional and only needed if reporting playwright test results in thread of original slack message.
Name | Required | Default | Description |
junit_path | No | - | Path to the JUnit test results. Needed in order to add test result details in comment thread. |
report_url | No | - | The report URL to save and upload as an artifact. This will be hyperlinked in the comment thread. |
To use this action properly, you should create a new job
at the end of your workflow that needs
all other jobs in the workflow. This ensures that this action is only run once all jobs in your workflow are complete.
This action requires read
permission of actions
scope. You should assign a job level actions
permission if workflow level actions
permission is set none
See example workflow here.
name: Workflow Example
branches: [ main ]
# implement job 1 here
# implement job 2 here
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
- run: npm ci
- run: npx playwright test
# use this composite action to upload playwright artifacts. these will be used
# downstream to comment in a thread on the initial workflow summary slack message.
- name: Save and Upload Artifacts for Slack Notification
uses: midleman/slack-workflow-status/.github/actions/upload-artifacts@master
if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
job_name: ${{ github.job }}
junit_path: 'test-results/junit.xml'
report_url: ''
if: always()
name: Post Workflow Notifications
- job-1
- job-2
- job-3-playwright
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# sends the workflow summary slack message. and depending on configuration, it can
# also comment in a thread with the playwright test results and report hyperlink.
- name: Post Workflow Status to Slack
uses: midleman/[email protected]
repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
slack_token: ${{ secrets.SLACK_TOKEN }}
channel: '#test-results'
comment_junit_failures: true
comment_junit_flakes: true