Download the .vsix that matches your OS and run the "Install from VSIX" command in VS Code.
NOTE: This VSIX has a dependency on VS Code version 1.22. If you try to install one of these VSIX packages with an earlier version of VS Code, the extension will not load.
Notable features in this release
All of the features listed in 0.17.0-insiders, plus:
Support for WSL on Windows builds 17110 and higher
Starting with Windows build 17110, case-sensitive folders were turned on for WSL installations by default. This broke most of the extension's features and we have resolved most of them. If you still see problems with WSL in the latest Windows builds, please let us know. We are still working on an issue with switching configurations between WSL and non-WSL. Reloading the VS Code window after changing to a WSL config will resolve that issue.
Recursive includePath syntax
You can now use recursive paths when configuring IntelliSense. Using two asterisks **
at the end of a path instructs the extension to do a recursive search for includes starting from that folder:
"includePath": "${workspaceFolder}/**"
We are still working on optimizations to improve the experience in large projects with hundreds of folders, but initial support is available in this release (as a result, the IntelliSense features may take longer to be available after opening/editing a file, i.e. the red flame). Also, newly added folders with headers are not picked up until the workspace is reloaded.
Code snippets
We have added a few code snippets to the extension. They will show up in the auto-complete list as you are writing code and they can be used to insert boilerplate code for common tasks like declaring a class, writing a for loop, etc.
Updated Visual Studio Windows Debugger
Updated the "cppvsdbg" used (i.e. when compiling with cl.exe).