This is a configurable framework that generates automatically the code and the necessary classes to manage a dataset of any kind. This is possible using the metaprogramming paradigm. The programmer can create his own dataset manager according to his needs. In addition, it also offers useful utility to manipulate numpy arrays. This utility builds a pipeline (a series of operations to modify an array) which can also be easily run on GPU without modifying the code. For this reason, this library is particularly suitable for image datasets or for those datasets that massively use numpy arrays. Since that the code generated at run-time suffers from the lack of type hints and auto-completion features, stub files can be automatically created using the stub-generator package.
'generic-dataset' can be easily installed using pip:
pip install generic-dataset
Otherwise, you can clone this repository in your machine and then install it:
git clone
cd generic-dataset/
pip install -e .
This library can accelerate the operations performed over numpy array using Nvidia GPU. This is possible using CuPy framework, which offers an interface highly compatible than NumPy, but all its functionalities are executed on GPU.
NB: you can use this library even without a GPU: if you try to use it, an exception is raised.
To enable the GPU support, please install and configure CUDA Toolkit before installing this package: this will automatically install CuPy during the installation of generic-dataset. Otherwise, you can configure the CUDA environment at a later time and then install CuPy using its installation guide.
This library is composed by four main entities:
- SampleGenerator: it is a configurable class that generates sample classes according to the programmers' needs. This means that the sample class is not apriori defined, but it is composed by SampleGenerator using the metaprogramming paradigm. The generated sample classes can model a classification or a regression problem, so the sample label could be an integer, which belongs to a discrete set, or a real number. In addition to the label, a sample is characterized by fields (containing the sample data) and the operations to manipulate them.
- DatasetManager: this class is a utility to use and retrieve the data from a dataset. The dataset is divided into many folders, which may contain samples acquired in different situations or conditions. Each sub-directory is represented and managed by a DatasetFolderManager instance. Using DatasetManager, the user can manage the entire dataset.
- DatasetFolderManager: this class is responsible for managing a dataset folder. It can work with any type of generated sample class.
- DataPipeline: this entity defines an elaboration pipeline to manipulate numpy arrays. A pipeline can be executed in CPU or GPU.
As mentioned before, this library is not designed for a precise dataset or for a purpose clearly defined. The core of a dataset is the sample class and this framework allows you to create your own using a few lines of code. The sample classes, built by SampleGenerator, are sub-type of GenericSample, which defines some abstract method common to all sample instances. The most important aspect of a sample is the label. The label set defines what kind of problem the dataset models. The generated sample class could have an integer label (for a classification problem) or a real number label (for modeling a regression problem). In addition, a sample must store the data: for this purpose, a programmer can add a variable number of fields. These fields can be considered only class attributes or they can belong to the dataset: those fields must be saved and load from disk. For numpy arrays fields, the sample generated instances provide methods that create a DataPipeline to elaborate them. The programmer can also add custom methods to the sample class that he created. The generated sample instances have another important feature: they are thread-safe. In fact, all methods are synchronized to the fields they use. This is done using a decorator called synchronize_on_fields. It can also be configured to raise an exception if a field has an active pipeline. Also, the methods created by the programmer must be synchronized, always using this decorator. The sample label is modeled as a generic field, so it can be use to synchronize methods. In addition, instances of generated sample class offer other two methods to acquire and release all locks. This can be useful to perform multiple operations to the same instance in an atomic fashion. This functionality is also implemented using context manager (with statement).
Using SampleGenerator, the programmer you can create your own customized sample class.
To instantiate SampleGenerator, the sample class name and the label set must be specified. If the label set is empty, the label assigned to the generated sample class is a real number (to model a regression problem), otherwise the label is an integer (for classification tasks).
from generic_dataset.sample_generator import SampleGenerator
SampleClassRegression = SampleGenerator(name='SampleClassRegression', label_set=set()).generate_sample_class()
sample = SampleClassRegression(label=1.1)
sample.get_label() == 1.1
SampleClassClassification= SampleGenerator(name='SampleClassClassification', label_set={-1, +1}).generate_sample_class()
sample = SampleClassClassification(label=1)
sample.get_label() == 1
The programmer can also add fields that characterize the sample class, specifying their name and type. For each field, SampleGenerator automatically creates the getter and setter methods and a function that returns a DataPipeline to elaborate this field (only if the field is a numpy array). A field can belong to the dataset or not. If so, the field value is considered by DatasetFolderManager (which saves and loads it from disk), otherwise the field is ignored.
from generic_dataset.sample_generator import SampleGenerator
import generic_dataset.utilities.save_load_methods as slm
import numpy as np
GeneratedSampleClass = SampleGenerator(name='GeneratedSampleClass', label_set={0, 1}).add_field('field_1', field_type=int) \
.add_dataset_field(field_name='field_2', field_type=np.ndarray, save_function=slm.save_compressed_numpy_array, load_function=slm.load_compressed_numpy_array) \
generated = GeneratedSampleClass(label=0)
generated_sample = GeneratedSampleClass(label=0)
pipeline = generated_sample.create_pipeline_for_field_2()
# The pipeline is empty, so its result is the same as the initial value if field_2
# The get_data() method automatically sets the pipeline result in the corresponding field in the sample instance
data =
In this case, an instance of GeneratedSampleClass has two fields (field_1 and field_2), of which only the second one belongs to the dataset (field_1 is only an instance attribute). For field_2 (which is a numpy array), the GeneratedSampleClass instance provides a method to generate an elaboration pipeline. When the get_data() method is called, the pipeline result is automatically set to the sample instance that creates the pipeline. If a field belongs to the dataset, the programmer has to specify the save and load functions. This library provides a series of common functions to save and load numpy arrays, OpenCV images and python dictionaries. They are defined in generic_dataset/utilities/
, but the programmer can define its own functions, following these constraints:
- save function prototype:
save_function(path: str, data: type) -> NoReturn
- load function prototype:
load_function(path: str) -> type
The programmer can also add a predefined pipeline to elaborate a field. The pipeline result can be assigned to the same field or to another one. This can be particularly useful when a field is generated starting from another. Look at the following code.
from generic_dataset.data_pipeline import DataPipeline
from generic_dataset.sample_generator import SampleGenerator
import numpy as np
pipeline_rgb_to_gbr = DataPipeline().add_operation(lambda data, engine: (data[:, :, [2, 1, 0]], engine))
GeneratedSample = SampleGenerator(name='GeneratedSample', label_set=set()).add_field(field_name='rgb_image') \
.add_dataset_field(field_name='bgr_image', field_type=np.ndarray) \
.add_custom_pipeline(method_name='create_pipeline_convert_rgb_to_bgr', elaborated_field='rgb_image', final_field='bgr_image', pipeline=pipeline_rgb_to_gbr) \
rgb_image = np.array([[255, 0, 0] for _ in range(256 * 256)]).reshape((256, 256, 3))
generated_sample = GeneratedSample(label=1.1).set_rgb_image(value=rgb_image)
In this example, a custom pipeline (which convert an image from RGB to BGR) is added to the GeneratedSample instance. The pipeline elaborates rgb_image field and assigns the result to bgr_image field of sample instance.
SampleGenerator provides a mechanism to add methods to the sample generated class. The programmer can define a function and assign it to the sample instance. Remember to decorate the function using synchronize_on_fields to make the method thread-safe.
from generic_dataset.sample_generator import SampleGenerator
from generic_dataset.generic_sample import synchronize_on_fields
@synchronize_on_fields(field_names={'field_1'}, check_pipeline=False)
def field_1_is_positive(sample) -> bool:
return sample.get_field_3() > 0
GeneratedSample = SampleGenerator(name='GeneratedSample', label_set=set()).add_field(field_name='field_1', field_type=int) \
.add_custom_method(method_name='field_1_is_positive', function=field_1_is_positive) \
generated = GeneratedSample(is_positive=False).set_field_1(1)
As you can see, the function field_1_is_positive is added as an instance method to the generated sample class: this method is called field_1_is_positive(). The function has been decorated to make the method thread-safe.
DatasetManager is responsible for managing the entire dataset. It implements some useful methods that take into account all dataset's sub-directories. The dataset is divided into sub-directories, each of them is managed by a DatasetFolderManager.
DatasetFolderManager is responsible for storing and organizing the dataset on disk. It works using the methods provided by the super-type GenericSample. In this way, DatasetFolderManager can operate with all generated sample classes without any change. When it is instantiated, it automatically creates the dataset folder hierarchy (if it still doesn't exist). This hierarchy is organized as follows: inside the dataset main folder, another directory is created. It divides the dataset into many split, which could specify different data categories or different moments in which the data are collected. Then, if a classification problem is modeled, a folder is created for each value in the label set, so the samples are divided according to their label. Otherwise, in a regression task, the samples are saved altogether and the label is saved as a dataset field. Finally, samples are saved grouping their fields in the same directory. Inside these folders (one for each field), the files containing the field values are named as follow: {field_name}_{relative_count}_({absolute_count})
, where relative count is the sample count depending on its label while absolute count is the sample total count. In the case of regression task, these numbers are equal because the samples are not divided according to the label value. The final folder hierarchy is:
dataset_main_folder (dir)
- folder_classification (dir)
- 0 (dir)
- field_1 (dir)
- field_1_0_(0) (file)
- field_1_1_(2) (file)
- field_2 (dir)
- field_2_0_(0) (file)
- field_2_1_(2) (file)
- 1 (dir)
- field_1 (dir)
- field_1_0_(1) (file)
- field_2 (dir)
- field_2_0_(1) (file)
- regression_folder (dir)
- field_1 (dir)
- field_1_0_(0) (file)
- field_1_1_(1) (file)
- field_2 (dir)
- field_2_0_(0) (file)
- field_2_1_(1) (file)
To save and load file samples, you can use the method provided by DatasetFolderManager.
from generic_dataset.dataset_folder_manager import DatasetFolderManager
from generic_dataset.sample_generator import SampleGenerator
import generic_dataset.utilities.save_load_methods as slm
import numpy as np
GeneratedSampleClass = SampleGenerator(name='GeneratedSampleClass', label_set={0, 1}).add_field('field_1',
.add_dataset_field(field_name='field_2', field_type=np.ndarray, save_function=slm.save_compressed_numpy_array,
database = DatasetFolderManager(dataset_path='dataset_path', folder_name='folder_classification',
sample = GeneratedSampleClass(label=0).set_field_1(np.array([0 for _ in range(1000)]))
# Save sample
database.save_sample(sample, use_thread=False)
# Load sample
for (label, relative_count) in database.get_samples_information():
sample = database.load_sample_using_relative_count(label=label, relative_count=relative_count, use_thread=False)
Using large datasets, the folder's metadata calculation can be an extremely long process. To solve this issue, the folder metadata can be saved to disk: they are automatically loaded from file when a new instance of DatasetFolderManager is created.
from generic_dataset.dataset_folder_manager import DatasetFolderManager
from generic_dataset.sample_generator import SampleGenerator
import generic_dataset.utilities.save_load_methods as slm
import numpy as np
GeneratedSampleClass = SampleGenerator(name='GeneratedSampleClass', label_set={0, 1}).add_field('field_1',
.add_dataset_field(field_name='field_2', field_type=np.ndarray, save_function=slm.save_compressed_numpy_array,
# The folder metadata are calulcated on the fly
database = DatasetFolderManager(dataset_path='dataset_path', folder_name='folder_classification',
sample = GeneratedSampleClass(label=0).set_field_1(np.array([0 for _ in range(1000)]))
# Save sample
database.save_sample(sample, use_thread=False)
# Save folder metadata
# The folder metadata are loaded from file
database = DatasetFolderManager(dataset_path='dataset_path', folder_name='folder_classification',
DataPipeline implements a mechanism to elaborate numpy arrays. As suggested by its name, this class creates an elaboration pipeline to modify a numpy array. A pipeline consists of a series of operations performed iteratively and it can be executed using both CPU and GPU. To do this, DataPipeline uses CuPy framework, which offers an interface highly compatible than NumPy, but all its functionalities are executed on GPU. This means you can write agnostic code: the pipeline can run in GPU or CPU without modifying the code, simply by replacing the engine (NumPy or CuPy). A pipeline operation consists of a function that accepts the data to modify and the used engine and returns both. This function can be simply added to a pipeline with a dedicated method. A pipeline is executed using the run(use_gpu: bool) method. If the method parameter is True, the pipeline is run on GPU and this method is asynchronous. This means that the pipeline is independently executed on the external device and the CPU can continue to run its operations. To synchronize them (CPU and GPU), use the method get_data(): it returns the pipeline result blocking the current thread until the elaboration is finished. In addition, it is possible to add a particular function called end_function. It is executed as the last step, when get_data() method is called. It allows the programmer to perform actions using the elaborated data. Its prototype is end_funtion(data: numpy.ndarray) -> np.ndarray
from generic_dataset.data_pipeline import DataPipeline
import numpy as np
run_pipeline_on_gpu = False
red_image = np.array([[255, 0, 0] for _ in range(256 * 256)]).reshape((256, 256, 3))
pipeline_rgb_to_grayscale = DataPipeline() \
.set_data(data=red_image) \
.set_end_function(f=lambda d: d) \
.add_operation(lambda data, engine: (engine.mean(data, axis=2), engine))
# The run method is async only if the pipeline is executed on gpu
grayscale_image =
pipeline_rgb_to_bgr = DataPipeline() \
.set_data(data=red_image) \
.set_end_function(lambda d: d) \
.add_operation(lambda data, engine: (data[..., [2, 1, 0]], engine))
bgr_image =