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Sawyer Velocity Control

Sawyer Glam Shot


This package is used to apply task-space velocity control to Rethink Robotic's Sawyer to follow a specified trajectory.

Launch files in this package are set up such that one can either simulate velocity control using RViz, or apply velocity control to a Sawyer robot in real world applications.

This package can also make use of an ATI Force/Torque sensor attached to Sawyer's end effector. Readings from this sensor are fed into a control loop which generates trajectories. These trajectories are used to approximate the behaviors of true interaction and hybrid motion-force controllers.

If you are interested in learning about my approach to this problem and the concepts behind its controls, please take a look at my portfolio post on this project here.

Package Details

Launch Files


  • Loads Sawyer's URDF from xacro files found in the sawyer_description package. Starts the joint_state_publisher with an interactive gui along with RViz. Used as a check to make sure things are installed properly. Also helpful for quickly visualizing Sawyer in various configurations.


  • Begins by loading a reference sawyer with a randomly chosen configuration under the name space ref_sawyer. This starts the ref_js_randomizer node which publishes the randomized reference JointState message from ref_sawyer. The ref_vel_ctrl node is then started in the main_sawyer name space. This node produces a separate simulated sawyer in its home configuration.

  • Next, a fixed transform between the ref_sawyer base frame and the main_sawyer base is published on a static_transform_publisher node.

  • Finally, RViz is started. In RViz, the slightly transparent ref_sawyer can be seen in its randomly selected configuration. main_sawyer is shown superimposed on ref_sawyer without transparency. Upon user input, the main_sawyer/ref_vel_ctrl node begins a velocity control loop with drives main_sawyer's end-effector to ref_sawyer's randomly selected end effector pose. The following figure shows a screencapture of this launch file running.

rand_ref_vel_ctrl.launch running

  • The nodes used in this launch file were used as a frame work for the remainder of the project.


  • This launch file simulates velocity control of Rethink Robotics Sawyer. The control loop, found in, subscribes to a TransformStamped message published on the /desired_trajectory by the /ref_trajectory node. The trajectory published by this node can be specified in, as described in more detail further down.

  • calculates the joint velocities necessary to drive the simulated end effector to the most recent message published on topic /desired_trajectory. It then publishes these commands as a intera_core_msgs/JointCommand message on the /robot/limb/right/joint_command topic. This is the same topic and message type used on Sawyer in real world use.

  • The simulated nature of this process means we have to calculate Sawyer's joint states from the velocity commands, since there is no real Sawyer to retrieve the joint states from. This is handled by the vel_ctrl_sim_interface node. Found in, this node unpacks the intera_core_msgs/JointCommand message found on the /robot/limb/right/joint_command topic. It then interpolates the simulated Sawyer's joint positions and publishes them on the /joint_states topic. This is the /joint_states topic that the robot_state_publisher subscribes to for tf calculations.

  • The end result of running this launch file is an RViz instance where a simulated Sawyer can be seen following the trajectory specified in

  • Though unnecessary for real world use, this launch file is incredibly useful for visualizing the velocity control loop when used with rqt_graph. Using rqt_graph on a real world Sawyer is not very useful because of the sheer number of running nodes and topics. Here, rqt_graph presents a clean representation of the simulated control loop (and approximation of the real world control loop) as seen below.

and rqt_graph view of sim_vel_ctrl.launch


  • This launch file is the first non-simulation launch file in this package. Running this launch file while connected to Sawyer will drive the real-world Sawyer's end effector to the trajectory specified in

  • A fair amount of cautious respect should be given when running Sawyer in velocity control mode. The velocity limits on Sawyer's joints are surprisingly high and can cause damage or injury if this launch file is used with out some level of care. To prevent damage, joint velocity commands can be limited in here. Joint speed can also be limited by reducing the proportional control coefficient self.Kp in This is not a direct limit, but it will reduce the aggression of the controller resulting in slower trajectory tracking.

  • More information about Sawyer's joint control modes can be found on the Intera SDK site here

  • This launch file only runs two nodes

  1. sawyer_vel_ctrl: Control loop. Takes drives Sawyer's end effector to the most recently received TransformStamped message published on the /desiired_trajectory topic. This node stores Sawyer's joint states every time it is published over the /robot/joint_states message. Forward kinematics is then used to calculate the current end effector position. Finally, a velocity command is calculated from the error between the current end effector position and the desired end effector position. This velocity command is send as a intera_core_msgs/JointCommand over the /robot/limb/right/joint_command topic. These commands are then processed by Saywer's internal realtime_loop to send velocity commands to Sawyer's joints.

  2. ref_trajectory: Desired trajectory generator. Generates TransformStamped messages according to the specified task-space trajectory in and publishes them to the /desired_trajectory topic. It should be noted that this is the same file used in sim_vel_ctrl.launch. This makes it very easy to test a trajectory using sim_vel_ctrl.launch before running sawyer_vel_ctrl.launch. I highly recommend running sim_vel_ctrl.launch any time is changed to prevent accidents

  • Video of this launch file running has been taken and will be uploaded in the very near future. That said, running this launch file while connected to Sawyer will cause Sawyer to follow the trajectory specified in "exactly" (approximately) the same way it does in sim_vel_ctrl.launch.


  • This node is used to approximate interaction control on Sawyer. Using a force sensor, this launch file simulates a spring between the prescribed resting position of Saywer and the error induced by interacting with (pulling or pushing) Sawyer's end effector along the x-axis (the base's x-axis, not the end effector's).

  • This is another non-simulation launch file in this package. This launch file makes use of an an ATI Axia 80 Force/Torque sensor attached to Sawyer's end effector. Custom hardware is required to attach the sensor to Sawyer's wrist, as can be seen in the following figure.

  • This launch file runs four (4) nodes
  1. netft_node: Used to connect to the ATI Axia 80 Sensor over a network connection. Publishes raw WrenchStamped data from the sensor over the /netft_data topic.

  2. ft_bias_node: Essentially a pass-through node, stores all WrenchStamped messaged received over the /netft_data, subtracts a bias, then publishes the biased data as WrenchStamped messages over the /biased_ft_data topic. Also applies a moving average filer. Uses custom service bias_ft_data with custom Bias.srv service message. When this service is called, the current sensor readings are stored in the ft_bias_node under self.biased_data. This is the bias subtracted from the sensor data. This service should be called as soon as possible after running this launch file and anytime the end effector is not being interacted with or anytime it is acting strangely.

  3. sawyer_vel_ctrl: The exact same control loop used by sawyer_vel_ctrl.launch. This is the same here because force control is applied through the trajectory generation step; motion control, when doing force control in this manner, remains unchanged.

  4. ref_trajectory: While under the same name as the node in sawyer_vel_ctrl.launch, this node is found in the file. This file is based off the file, the difference being that the x_d portion of the trajectory is based off the error between the the desired force along the x-axis and the force measured by the end-effector-attached force/torque sensor. This results in an approximation of interaction control, where the error in force is driven down by adding an offset to the trajectory.

  • Interestingly, having the force control loop publish a trajectory to the velocity controller allows many different types of rough interaction control. Simply flipping the sign on f_x_err in will cause the end effector to avoid interaction by attempting to zero-out the force measured by the force/torque sensor, instead of simulating a spring pulling against this interaction.

  • The repeated use of "approximate" in this package is no mistake. This launch file represents a purely kinematic velocity control loop wrapped around a force control loop. The force control is approximate because there is no system dynamic information in the controls. As such, Sawyer may respond to interaction in odd ways, such as pulling or pushing in a direction not opposite to the applied force. It does this because the velocity control loop naively tries to drive the end effector to the desired transform any way possible. In other words, while trying to reduce the force error, Sawyer is also attempting to reduce the end effector position and rotation error induced by interacting with it. Please see the Future Work and Possible Improvements section down below for methods on approaching this issue.

Script File Details

  • Used in unidirectional_force_control.launch
  • Subscribes to end effector attached force/torque sensor data
  • Calculates trajectories for the velocity controller based on desired force control behaviors
  • Trajectories are specified relative to Sawyers base frame. Comments in the trajectory() method indicate how trajectory sign corresponds to end effector movement.
  • This file is in desperate need of organization, which will be addressed in the very near future
  • Control gains can and desired end effector wrench can be easily changed here, but I would recommend doing so with caution. Non-zero desired wrenchs have contradictory effects on the system, which tries both to apply the non-zero wrench while also keeping the end effector stationary. Also, derivative control on a force sensor is not very useful due to magnitude of noise, and was experimentally included.
  • Desired end effector rotation and position can also be changed. It is entirely possible to have these change over time, as the current rospy time is passed into the trajectory generator as a usable argument. This is useful for following a Cartesian trajectory while applying force control in the perpendicular axis, for applications like surface tracking. E.g. force control can be specified in the x_d position while a surface scanning trajectory is specified in y_d and z_d.

  • Used in unidirectional_force_control.launch
  • Subscribes to the raw force/torque sensor readings
  • Applies a 6 sample moving average filter
  • Uses the bias_ft_data service to apply a bias to the sensor, effectively zeroing-out the sensor. Helps to counteract drift (sensor has least drift when running at 24V)

  • Used by rand_ref_vel_ctrl.launch to catch user input and start the velocity control loop

  • Used by everything
  • Library for Modern Robotics by Dr. Kevin Lynch.

  • Used in rand_ref_vel_ctrl.launch
  • Publishes the random joint states used to calculate the desired end effector position that the velocity control tries to reach on user input

  • Used in rand_ref_vel_ctrl.launch
  • Drives the simulated sawyer to the desired end effector position prescribed by
  • Publishes joint positions interpolated from the calculated velocity commands

  • Used in control calculations
  • Sawyer's kinematic description in a format that the Modern Robotics library in can understand.

  • Used in the real world control launch files sawyer_vel_ctrl.launch and unidirectional_force_control.launch
  • Control gains can be adjusted in the code here
  • As mentioned before, joint velocity command limit can be changed here, though I would not recommend setting it much higher than 0.6 rad/sec (where it is now.)
  • Extra detail was put into the comments here in hopes that they might help users understand the task-space velocity control pipeline used in Dr. Lynch's Modern Robotics, since this type of pipeline is useful for many applications.
  • Quick note: intera_core_msgs types are very pick. Make sure you're using python standard data types (eg int()) and not ROS std_msgs message types (eg Int32() ,Float64(), ect.) when passing data to intera messages.

  • Used in sim_vel_ctrl.launch and sawyer_vel_ctrl.launch
  • Publishes the desired trajectory to the velocity controller
  • Desired trajectory frame position and rotation can be freely specified in time
  • relative to Sawyer's base frame
  • x_d, y_d, and z_d specify desired position
  • theta specifies the desired rotation magnitude
  • The coefficients in q1_d, q2_d, q3_d specify the base axes to rotate about
  • Rotation quaternion can also just be hardcoded in under Q_d

  • Used by sim_vel_ctrl.launch
  • Interpolates and publishes a simulated Sawyer's joints positions based on the joint velocity commands from

Future Work and Possible Improvements

  • Video of the real world applied launch files running on sawyer will be added very soon
  • As mentioned above, the force control implemented here is fairly unstable and unreliable, there are a few ways to approach this.
  • Pure force control, where the end effector is completely constrained, would not be difficult to achieve here. Completely constraining the end effector means there are no dynamics to consider, and a torque control can used to control how much force is applied at the end effector. Once this is complete, a comparison between the accuracy of Sawyer's internal end effector wrench estimation system and the external force/torque sensor can be made.
  • Though it would require extensive changes, using torque control for the motion control portion of this project would create instant improvements in accuracy and stability
  • Routing the force control through the trajectory generation of the motion control is not the traditional way to approach hybrid force-motion control to a robot. Typically, constraints are calculated and the force and motion controllers are applied in parallel. This would eliminate the problems that can be seen in unidirectional_force_control.launch. If you are interested in learning more about traditional hybrid force-motion control, please see my portfolio post on this project here.
  • I will also be adding a non force-control trajectory generator that Sawyer can follow before engaging the force controller. This will make surface following and interaction control much easier and less unpredictable to set up.


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