RETS Monitoring of Toronto Real Estate Board
git clone
cd rets
No credentials are included in this repo by default. To add them, you will
need to set up a wrapper script using ./mgt/creds
$ ./mgt/creds
This will overwrite any previously-stored credentials.
So, press Ctrl+c if you want to cancel.
Enter your RETS username.
> {type the username}
Enter your RETS password.
> {type the password}
This creates pr
, a password wrapper around the mgt/rets
First, install your distribution's mariadb
package. Then, initialize with
su # Enter root user
mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
systemctl start mariadb
mysql -u root -p # Just press Enter; no password
Now you're inside MariaDB:
create database rets_db;
use rets_db;
create user 'rets'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
grant all privileges on rets_db.* to 'rets'@'localhost';
flush privileges;
Here, the literal string "password" will be used as the password. This is only a problem if a malicious agent has direct access to the database, which would never happen.
The resetting of sql_mode
is necessary to remove STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
which refuse to add data that exceeds the specified maximum length instead of
truncating it. Since the hipsters who push to the upstream TREB database ignore
their own MaximumLength metadata specifications, causing data that exceeds our
SQL maximum length specifications, this is necessary.
Log in and create the tables:
mysql -u rets -p rets_db --password=password
source load/sql/init.sql
select * from residential_records;
See for more information about mariadb.
See load/
Use ./pr login
, which creates data/cookies.txt
, output/login.xml
and headers/login.txt
. The first two are used for further requests. This
will use the credentials you created using the creds
script earlier.
Look at output/login.xml
to confirm that your login was successful - i.e.
you entered the correct username and password. An unsuccessful login looks like
<RETS ReplyCode="20036" ReplyText="Login failed." >
Use ./pr getmetadata
, which saves the metadata in output/metadata.xml
and the curl
headers in headers/metadata.txt
Use ./pr search <search_type> <class> "<query>"
Working examples:
./pr search Property CondoProperty "(Ld=2022-07-10)"
./pr search Property ResidentialProperty "(Ml_num=N5671526)"
The search results are saved in output/search.xml
and the headers in
Not working but provided query: "(MediaKey=),(MediaType=IMAGE)"
Once you are finished your session, you are supposed to log out with ./pr logout
. If you don't, you risk getting disabled or blocked from the MLS.
If you find something like
<RETS ReplyCode="20052" ReplyText="The session has expired" >
in your output/search.xml
, you'll have to ./pr login
See doc/