List of Accela Github Resources. Pull Requests are Welcome!
- AdamOIC/accela-emse-snippets - VS Code Extension for Accela EMSE 9.2 Library
- LancasterCA - Example repos for each env
- ChadSLS/Accela_coa - Accela code for the City of Aurora implementation
- mheadd/sms-permit-check - Accela app to lookup up permit details by SMS
- cityofasheville/accela-masterscripts - Accela code for city of Nasheville
- cityofasheville/ACA-wrapper-DSD - Wrapper in which to iframe Accela Citizen Access
- cityofasheville/coa-bc-steep-slope-calculator - A NodeJS Express App that exposes a REST API for Accela and web tool at
- michaelachrisco/accelapy - Accela Python Client Library
- axtheset/accela-ruby - Accela Ruby Client Library