Graphic Engine & Game Engine open source listïŒ
Engine   EnginePlugin   PBRRayTrace   SoftRenderer
GI   VolumeRendering   PostProcessing
ShadeModel   PhysicallyBasedRendering
Effect   VFX
Nature   Environment   Character
Acceleration   SceneManage   RenderPath
Util   SDF   Math   Image&Color   Noise   Mesh   Platform   UI   CG
Physics   Animation   Particle   Machine Learning   VR&AR  Â
- Unity Unity-Technologies   unity3d-jp   UnityLabs   UnityTech
- AMD GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs   GPUOpen-Tools   GPUOpen-Effects
- NVIDIA NVIDIAGameWorks   nvpro-samples   NVIDIA   NVlabs
- Intel Intel GameTechDev
- ARM ARM-software
- SideEfects sideeffects Hodini
- id-Software
- InteractiveComputerGraphics
- UnrealEngine â
- Lumberyard â
- Urho3Dð lightweight, cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine,Greatly inspired by OGRE and Horde3D.
- filamentð Filament is a physically based rendering engine for Android, Windows, Linux and macOS
- Falcorð Real-Time Rendering Framework, NVIDIA
- Klayag A cross-platform open source game engine with plugin-based architecture
- G3D Graphics research and rapid prototyping in OpenGL and C++
- Ogre ogre github mirror
- OpenSceneGraph
- WickedEngine C++ game engine focusing on modern rendering techniques. With Bullet Physics, Lua scripting, and more.
- xenko An open-source C# game engine for realistic rendering and VR
- godot Godot Engine â Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
- anki-3d-engine AnKi 3D Engine - OGL/Vulkan backends, modern renderer, scripting, physics and more
- bgfx â -Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library
- The-Forge The Forge Cross-Platform Rendering Framework PC, macOS / iOS, Android, XBOX, PS4
- oryol - A small, portable and extensible C++ 3D coding framework
- bsf Modern C++14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications
- DiligentEngine A modern cross-platform low-level 3D graphics library
- cesium An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps
- playcanvas ast and lightweight WebGL game engine
- armory -3D Game Engine for Blender
- RenderPipeline -PBR and Deferred Rendering for the Panda3D game engine
- ray-mmd physically-based rendering at mikumikudance
- embree A collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels, developed at Intel.
- RadeonRays RadeonProRender ray intersection acceleration library for hardware and software multiplatforms using CPU and GPU
- appleseed A modern open source rendering engine for animation and visual effects
- pbrt Source code for "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation"
- mitsuba
- LuxCoreRender
- ospray A Ray Tracing Based Rendering Engine for High-Fidelity Visualization
- taichi Open Source Computer Graphics Library
- tungsten High performance physically based renderer in C++11
- nori Nori: an educational ray tracer
- nanort single header only modern ray tracing kernel.
- SORT Simple Open-source Ray Tracer
- OpenSWR A High Performance, Highly Scalable Software Rasterizer for OpenGL
- miaow An open source GPU based off of the AMD Southern Islands ISA.
- tinyrenderer A brief computer graphics / rendering course
- coco3d Coco3D is a real-time 3D software renderer for Windows PCs and mobile devices
- muli3d implements features of current graphics hardware in software. The focus is on ease of use and clear code
- swiftshader high-performance CPU-based implementation of the OpenGL ES and Direct3D 9 graphics APIs
- Mesa3D
- SoftwareRenderer Software rendering engine with PBR. Built from scratch on C++.
- GITechDemo A global illumination technical demo application.
- dirtchamber A mixed reality testing environment for real-time global illumination algorithms
- Cinder-Experiments A collection of experiments, samples and other bits of code.
- IlluminationComparison A comparison of typical illumination methods. (SSAO, HBO, VXGI, and Ray Traced Global Illumination)
- 3D-Graphics-Engine Capable of rendering online and offline global illumination using a number of different methods
- SEGI A fully-dynamic voxel-based global illumination system for Unity
- VCTRenderer Deferred Voxel Shading for Real Time Global Illumination
- voxel-cone-tracing A real-time global illumination implementation using voxel cone tracing.
- VoxelConeTracing An implementation of the "Voxel Cone Tracing" global illumination technique proposed by Cyril Crassin
- VCTGI GPU-based real-time global illumination renderer based on voxel cone tracing
- Vulkan-VXGI-VR-FrameWork University of Pennsylvania, CIS 565: GPU Programming and Architecture, Final Project
- HarshLight Real-time global illumination based on voxel cone tracing
- Voxel_Cone_Tracing easy to understand
- Voxel-Cone-Tracing easy to understand
- Light-Propagation-Volumes
- GI-LPV Implement global illumination with OCaml, using light propagation volumes
- PBGI Point Based Global Illumination
- webgl-deferred-irradiance-volumes An implementation of deferred irradiance volumes in WebGL
- instant_radiosity
- simple-instant-radiosity
- GIGL Tiny Global Illumination OpenGL Renderer
- minpt A path tracer in 300 lines of C++
- simple-bidirectional-pathtracer
- edubpt
- CPMFIGIOTVVD Correlated Photon Mapping for Interactive Global Illumination of Time-Varying Volumetric Data by Daniel Jönsson and Anders Ynnerman
- SOPGI A VEX raytracer for SideFX Houdini with photon mapping global illumination and full recursive reflections and refractions
- KinoObscurance Alchemy Ambient Obscurance ---AlchemyHPG11
- ScalableAmbientObscurance
- ASSAO Adaptive Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
- Robust Screen Space Ambient Occlusion Robust Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
- HBAOPlus HBAO+ is a SSAO algorithm designed to achieve high efficiency on DX11 GPUs.
- gl_ssao optimized screen-space ambient occlusion, cache-aware hbao
- VXAO Voxel Ambient Occlusion
- MiniEngineAO SSAO image effect from Microsoft MiniEngine, ported to Unity.
- NNAO Neural Network Ambien Occlusion
- dssdo Deferred Screen Space Directional Occlusion
- ssgi Screen space global illumination demo: SSAO vs SSDO
- Unity-Ground-Truth-Ambient-Occlusion A physically based screen space ambient occulsion post processing effect
- Unity-GeoAO Fast ambien occlusion in Unity at runtime
- ConeSphereOcclusionLUT ConeSphereOcclusionLUT generates a cone sphere occlusion LUT to be used with TLoU style capsule AO shadows. For details "Lighting Technology Of "The Last Of Us".
- ssbn Screen Space Bent Normals
- GzRNM brings Radiosity Normal Mapping/Directional Light Mapping to Unity 3D!
- SSbumpGenerator A GUI interface to a tool for generating SSBumps (Self Shadowed Bump Maps).
- lightmapper
- seamoptimizer
- BakingLab
- BocsLightmapper
- trianglepacker Triangle packer for light map
- temporal-lightfield-reconstruction mplementation of "Temporal Light Field Reconstruction for Rendering Distribution Effects" (SIGGRAPH 2011)
- indirect-light-field-reconstruction mplementation of "Reconstructing the Indirect Light Field for Global Illumination" (SIGGRAPH 2012)
- SC_Tracer photon mapping for global illumination and caustic
- ComputeStochasticReflections Compute Stochastic Screen Space Reflections for unity post processing
- kode80SSR An open source screen space reflections implementation for Unity3D 5.
- StochasticScreenSpaceReflection
- Unity-Screen-Space-Reflection Clearly Screen Space Reflection
- UnitySSR Open source screen space reflection for Unity 5
- synthese_image author's blog
- Jin-Engine-2.1 The implementation of Pixel-projected Screen Space Reflections
- Shadows A sample app that demonstrates several techniques for rendering real-time shadow maps
- UnityPCSS Nvidia's PCSS soft shadow algorithm implemented in Unity
- ContactShadows Experimental implementation of contact shadows for Unity.
- HFTS NVIDIA Hybrid Frustum Traced Shadows in NVIDIA ShadowLib.
- ShadowFX DirectX 11 and 12 library that provides a scalable and GCN-optimized solution for deferred shadow filtering
- ofxShadowMap Shadow map using PCF or gaussian disk sampling for soft borders
- of-ESMShadowMapping Exponential Shadow Mapping in openFrameworks
- RayTracedShadows This demo implements BVH construction and GPU traversal for rendering hard shadows.
- ShadowVolume Shadow Volume for Static-Scene-Object of Unity
- variance_shadow_mapping_vk Variance shadow mapping for omni lights with Vulkan
- Precomputed-Shadow-Fields-for-Dynamic-Scenes A realization of computing soft shadow by shadow fields
- many-lights-gi Real-time global illumination following the many-lights approach and using Imperfect Shadow Maps
- PostProcessing
- reshade-shaders A collection of post-processing shaders written for ReShade.
- Cat-PostProcessing
- Unity5Effects
- UnityImageEffects
- CMAA2 Conservative Morphological Anti-Aliasing 2.0
- MSAAFilter MSAA and Temporal AA Sample
- temporal Temporal Reprojection Anti-Aliasing for Unity 5.0+
- smaa SMAA: Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing, is a very efficient GPU-based MLAA implementation
- smaaDemo Subpixel Morphological AntiAliasing OpenGL/Vulkan demo
- SMAA SMAA in unity3D
- SpecularAA A demo of various normal map filtering techniques for reducing specular aliasing
- glsl-fxaa FXAA implementation for glslify in WebGL
- Phone-wire AA
- oidn Intel(R) Open Image Denoise library
- practicalDenoising Reference Implementation of Practical Denoising for VFX Production Using Temporal Blur
- bcd Bayesian Collaborative Denoiser for Monte-Carlo Rendering
- tonemapper
- aces-dev AMPAS Academy Color Encoding System Developer Resources
- pbrt-skin-bssrdf Implementation of Donner & Jensen's "A Spectral BSSRDF for Shading Human Skin" in PBRT
- CP_SSSSS Naive screen-space subsurface scattering solution for Unity 5.
- separable-sss iryoku's SSSSS
- skin-shader-unity GPU Gems 3 - Chapter 14 using the Unity engine
- Unity-Human-Skin-Shader-PC
- SubsurfaceScattering An implementation of a set screen space physically-based subsurface scattering algorithms
- FurRendering
- UnityFurShader Fur shader for Unity.
Ceto ð Ceto: Ocean system for Unity
WaterSurfaceWavelets Water Surface Wavelets (SIGGRAPH 2018)
VaOcean Ocean Surface Simulation Plugin for Unreal Engine 4
OceanProject An Ocean Simulation project for Unreal Engine 4
Ocean Community Next Gen Next gen iteration of the unity community ocean shader
crest-oceanrender Crest is a technically advanced ocean renderer implemented in Unity3D
whitecaps Real-time Animation and Rendering of Ocean Whitecaps
BoatAttack com.verasl.water-system Gerstner waves water.
Ocean_mobile_with_boat_physic Ocean mobile with boat physic controller
Unity-WaterBuoyancy Water Buoyancy Simulation for Unity
RealtimeWater implemented based on "Fast Water Simulation for Games Using Height Fields".
fft-ocean WebGL FFT (Fast Fourier transform) ocean rendering for Three.js
Jerry Tessendorf's paper "Simulating Ocean Water".
fftocean ocean-simulation Phillips-Ocean -
Eric.Bruneton's paper "an improved version using an FFT method to synthesize the surface." Eric.Bruneton Brunetons-Ocean
- SnowSimulation GPU Snow Simulation for Unity and Direct3D
- snow "A Material Point Method for Snow Simulation" (Stomakhin et al., 2013).
- SnowDeformation To create a snow accumulation and deformation effect along with physical based rendering
- UnrealSnow Unreal Engine snow simulation for large terrains using Compute Shaders for GPU paralellization.
- DeepSnowFootprint A unity shader solution to generate footprint on thick snow surfaces.
- unity-deformablesnow Repository for online PIGSquad workshop on deformable snow in Unity.
- JourneySand An Unity project to reproduce the sand rendering in Journey's style
- KvantGrass Animating grass shader for Unity
- Grass.DirectX Realistic Grass Rendering using DirectX 11 and a geometry-shader based approach.
- VulkanGrassRendering Vulkan implementation of "Responsive Real-Time Grass Rendering for General 3D Scenes" by Jahrmann and Wimmer
- GooHairGrass
- Project6-Vulkan-Grass-Rendering
- volsample Research on sampling methods for real-time volume rendering
- kode80CloudsUnity3D A realtime volumetric cloud rendering solution for Unity3D.
- VolumeCloud Volume cloud for Unity3D
- Raymarch-Clouds
- clouds Volumetric Clouds plugin for Stingray
- Marshmallow Vulkan-based implementation of clouds from Decima Engine
- Meteoros Real-time Cloudscape Rendering in Vulkan based on the implementation of clouds in the Decima Engine.
- SkyboxPanoramicShader
- CSky-Dynamic-Sky-Unity Dynamic Sky Sphere System
- GenUtahSky Radiance implementation of Preetham, Shirley, Smits model for sky color, plus more
- SkyModels A collection of various Sky Models implemented with OpenGL compute shaders suitable for real-time rendering.
- RainDropEffect Rain Drop Effect2: Effective, Fast and Flexible Rain Distortion Effect for Unity
- LensRain A screen-space lens rain effect using Unity's V2 Post-processing framework.
- RainFX Natural Rain
- fire A fire effect for Unity.
- Iridescence
- Iridescent Shader Iridescence shader
- unity-frosted-glass Test of a frosted glass material in Unity.
- VolumetricLights Volumetric Lights for Unity
- LightShafts A light shafts (volumetric shadows) effect for Unity.
- OutdoorLightScattering Outdoor Light Scattering Sample
- VolumetricLighting NVIDIA Gameworks Volumetric Lighting
- VolumetricLighting ighting effects implemented for the Adam demo: volumetric fog, area lights and tube lights
- Aura Volumetric Lighting for Unity
- Vapor Volumetric Fog for Unity
- AtmosphericScattering
- AtmosphericScattering
- Scatterer
- precomputed_atmospheric_scattering Eric Bruneton, 2017
- Brunetons-Improved-Atmospheric-Scattering Eric Bruneton for Unity, 2017
- glsl-atmosphere
- unity-volumetric-fo
- UEShaderBits-GDC-Pack UE4 Volumetric Fog Techniques
- VolumeTiledForwardShading ð Volume Tiled Forward Shading. This technique is based on Tiled and Clustered Forward Shading (Olsson, 2012)
- HybridRenderingEngine Clustered Forward/Deferred renderer with Physically Based Shading, Image Based Lighting and a whole lot of OpenGL.
- ClusteredShadingAndroid and IntelForwardClusteredShading Clustered shading on Android sample
- clustered_forward_demo Ola Olsson.
- clustered_forward_demo_vk Clustered forward rendering demo with Vulkan
- ClusteredShadingConservative DirectX 12 light culling technique featured in GPU Pro 7
- lightindexed-deferredrender Light Indexed Deferred Rendering - Before there was Forward+ and Clustered deferred rendering there was Light Indexed Deferred Rendering (ShaderX7)
- Vulkan-Forward-Plus-Renderer Forward+ renderer in Vulkan using Compute Shader. An Upenn CIS565 final project.
- cute-deferred-shading Cute little deferred shading implementation.
- nTiled nTiled - forward and deferred openGL renderer with support for Tiled Shading, Clustered Shading and Hashed Shading
- DeferredTexturing A rendering sample that demonstrates bindless deferred texturing using D3D12
- OpenShadingLanguage Advanced shading language for production GI renderers
- glTF-SDK glTF-SDK is a Software Development Kit for glTF (GL Transmission Format -
- USD Universal Scene Description
- libbsdf Library for BSDF, BRDF, and BTDF
- svbrdf-oculus materials from Two-Shot SVBRDF Capture for Stationary Materials by Aittala et al (2015).
- Subsurface-Light-Transport-Raytracer
- SingleScatteringEditing
- pbrt-importance-sampling
- hitchhikersscatter
- FastTranslucentShader
- ScreenSpaceSubsurfaceScattering
- MultipassTranslucency fake subsurface-scattering shader, using multiple passes with different blend ops to calculate thickness without reading back the depth buffer.
- IBLBaker Light probe generation and BRDF authoring for physically based shading.
- cmftStudio cross-platform open-source cubemap filtering tool.
- Probulator Experimentation framework for probe-based lighting
- PBR An implementation of physically based shading model & image based lighting in various graphics APIs.
- IBLGGX Sample implementation of UE4/Frostbite image based lighting method based on GGX convolution of HDR environment maps.
- IntegrateDFG DFG LUT generator
- hyper3d-envmapgen Pre-filtered mipmapped radiance environment map generator that runs on WebAssembly.
- LTC_BRDF_Fit BRDF fitting code for LTC Area Lights by Heitz et al.
- NPR_Lab
- MNPR An expressive non-photorealistic rendering framework for real-time, filter-based stylization pipelines within Maya.
- Wind-Waker-Shader Cel Shading of two thresholds with a blur/gradient between them
- ToonShading A collection of "Toon" shaders for Unity based on a stepped PBR approximation.
- kamakura-shaders NPR for Unity with a bunch of features and adjustable parameters in a user-friendly interface.
- UnityNPR
- NPR CS 354 Computer Graphics final project
- ChinesePaintingDemo Demo of Chinese Painting Shader
- UnityChanToonShaderVer2_Project UnityChanToonShaderVer2 Project / v.2.0.7 Release
- Lowpoly-Water-Unity Low poly water with edge/shore blend. Similar to the awesome water in Monument Valley.
- FlatShader A very simple shader which performs flatshading without the need for duplicating vertices when building the geometry.
- UE4VoxelTerrain Unreal Engine 4: Smooth voxel terrian
- VoxelPlugin Voxel plugin for Unreal Engine
- voxelizer Header only mesh voxelizer in c99
- gpu-physics-unity A GPU Accelerated Voxel Physics Solver for Unity
- Field3D A library for storing voxel data on disk and in memory.
- magicavoxel-shaders Shaders for MagicaVoxel to simplify common and repetitive tasks.
- ray-march
- uRaymarching
- unity-ray-marching
- dli
- SpaceWarp Playing with DistanceField Raymarching as Post Effect in Unity3d
- PCL A standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing.
- Pcx Point cloud importer & renderer for Unity
- OpenVDB Sparse volume data structure and tools
- OpenVDBForUnity
- Indirect-Rendering-With-Compute-Shaders Compute shader: Frustum culling,Occlusion culling with HierarchicalZBuffer
- intel_occlusion_cull
- Image-Space-Occlusion-Culling-Engine Image Space Occlusion Culling Engine optimized to perform occlusion culling in CPU.
- Janua Open Source occlusion culling engine for 3D Scenes
- OcclusionCulling software (CPU) based approach to occllusion culling using multi-threading and SIMD instructions to improve performance.
- rasterizer faster in single-threaded AVX mode when rendering the full set of occluders (no minimum size).
- IndirectOcclusionCulling
- vigilant-system
- IMP billboard imposter baking for Unity
- ImpostorBaker UE4 Plugin for generating Impostors for static meshes
- msdfgen Multi-channel signed distance field generator
- Typogenic Signed-distance field text rendering for Unity
- SDF Signed Distance Field Builder for Contour Texturing
- SDFGen A simple commandline utility to generate grid-based signed distance field (level set) generator from triangle meshes
- Order-Independent-Trasparency
- OIT_Lab
- oitDemo Order Independent Transparency In OpenGL 4.x Other.....
- TLVulkanRenderer Vulkan-based renderer on real-time transparency
- PreMulAlpha Pre-Multiplied blend mode
- Eigen â linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms. Eigen
- MathGeoLib A C++ library for linear algebra and geometry manipulation for computer graphics
- glm OpenGL Mathematics (GLM)
- CGAL geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library.
- GEOS Geometry Engine
- MTL Matrix Template Library, a linear algebra library for C++ programs.
- sh-lib Spherical/zonal harmonics library
- spherical-harmonics Spherical harmonics library
- DirectXMath DirectXMath is an all inline SIMD C++ linear algebra library for use in games and graphics apps
- geomc A c++ linear algebra template library
- geometry3Sharp C# library for 2D/3D geometric computation, mesh algorithms, and so on
- ShaderFastLibs Shader libraries for fast shader opetations.
- hlslpp Math library using hlsl syntax with SSE/NEON support
- Fast-BVH A Simple, Optimized Bounding Volume Hierarchy for Ray/Object Intersection Testing
- OpenCV Open Source Computer Vision Library. C# Wrapper opencvsharp
- bimg ð Image library.
- OpenImageIO OpenImageIO
- ImageSharp A cross-platform library for the processing of image files; written in C#
- ImageMagick create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images. It can read and write images in a variety of formats (over 200)
- Dithering-Unity3d Dithering algorithms for Unity3d
- vg-renderer A vector graphics renderer for bgfx, based on ideas from NanoVG and ImDrawList (Dear ImGUI)
- nv_dds DDS image loader for OpenGL/ OpenGL ES2
- nvidia-texture-tools Texture processing tools with support for Direct3D 10 and 11 formats.
- crunch Advanced DXTc texture compression and transcoding library
- unity-ycca-subsampling ChromaPack YCCA chroma subsampling technique
- OpenColorIO A color management framework for visual effects and animation
- GLSL-Color-Spaces Utility functions to convert between various color spaces in GLSL
- colour Colour Science for Python
- color ++ library thats implemets class color. Available models: RGB, HSL, HSV, CMY, CMYK, YIQ, YUV and growing.
- colormap-shaders A collection of shaders to draw color maps.
- assimp A library to import and export various 3d-model-formats
- open3mod Open 3D Model Viewer - A quick and powerful 3D model viewer
- DirectXMesh
- OpenFBX Lightweight open source FBX importer
- OpenSubdiv An Open-Source subdivision surface library.
- Fast-Quadric-Mesh-Simplification Mesh triangle reduction using quadrics
- MeshDecimator, UnityMeshSimplifier Mesh simplification for Unity.
- SeamAwareDecimater Mesh simplification with UV's boundary preserved
- MeshDGP a simple C# geometry processing library. demonstrates the dozens of keystone mesh processing algorithms
- Deform A framework for deforming meshes in the editor and at runtime in Unity.
- ezy-slice An open source mesh slicer framework for Unity3D Game Engine. Written in C#.
- meshlab MeshLab is mostly based on the mesh processing library VCGlib
- Mesh-processing-library mesh processing techniques in computer graphics published at ACM SIGGRAPH in 1992â1998
- PyMesh a rapid prototyping platform focused on geometry processing
- poly2tri Fast and Robust Simple Polygon Triangulation With/Without Holes
- libigl Simple C++ geometry processing library.
- instant-meshes Interactive field-aligned mesh generator
- openmesh A generic and efficient polygon mesh data structure
- openflipper programming framework designed for processing, modeling and rendering of geometric data.
- cinolib A generic programming header only C++ library for processing polygonal and polyhedral meshes
- meshoptimizer Mesh optimization library that makes indexed meshes more GPU-friendly
- Compressonator Tool suite for Texture and 3D Model Compression, Optimization and Analysis using CPUs, GPUs and APUs
- draco compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds.
- meshroom 3D Reconstruction Software based on the (AliceVision)[] framework.
- openMVG open Multiple View Geometry library. Basis for 3D computer vision and Structure from Motion.
- herebedragons
- glfw
- MoltenVK Vulkan graphics and compute API, that runs on Apple's Metal graphics framework
- dxvk Vulkan-based D3D11 implementation for Linux / Wine
- imgui â Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
- nanovg Antialiased 2D vector drawing library on top of OpenGL for UI and visualizations.
- nanogui Minimalistic GUI library for OpenGL
- nuklear A single-header ANSI C gui library
- AnttWeakbar a light and intuitive GUI into OpenGL or DirectX based programs to interactively tweak parameters on-screen.
- UIEffect UIEffect is an effect component for uGUI element in Unity
- SpriteDicing Extension for Unity game engine to work with diced sprites
- PolyMesh Create 2D shapes in an instant with the PolyMesh editor!
- Unity-MeshMask effient,easy use Mask Component compare to Unity Mask, cost less drawcall and lower pixel fill rate.
- stb
- yocto-gl Yocto/GL: Tiny C++ Libraries for Physically-based Graphics
- debug-draw
- UnityFBXExporter A tool to export any Unity GameObject into a FBX ASCII format
- EncodeToTGA Texture2D.EncodeToTGA (Unity)
- shader-graph-nodes Custom Nodes for Unity Shader Graph
- Wisdom-Shaders A Minecraft shaderspack. Offers high performance with high quality at the same time.
- Ebin-Shaders This is a Minecraft shaderpack for use with Optifine.
- robobo1221Shaders
- MetaBlob Meta Blobs for Unity 3D.
- gl-transitions ð The open collection of GL Transitions
- ScreenManager Flexible way to manage screens with transitions for Unity
- cross-section create a cross section through meshes
- Unity3DBookPageCurl Page curl effect for Unity3D using native UI tools
- PixelBaseOutlinePostProcessing use some unity graphic API to display outline post processing.
- Outline-Effect Outline Image Effect for Unity
- Outlined-Diffuse-Shader-Fixed This is a fixed version of diffused outline shader from
- AmplifyMotion Amplify Motion was the first Full-scene Motion Blur extension for Unity
- unity-portal-rendering Super small example of using offscreen render targets to achieve a portal effect in Unity
- ElectricSheep_WebGL WebGL Electric Sheep Renderer
- Unity-InteriorMapping Interior mapping shader for Unity with a sample scene.
- FinalAudition A complete remake of 2005 demo "Final Audition" by Plastic
- qLib A procedural asset library for SideFX Houdini.
- alembic Alembic is an open framework for storing and sharing scene data that includes a C++ library, a file format, and client plugins and applications.
- AlembicImporter Alembic importer and exporter plugin for Unity
- AssetStudio A tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets and assetbundles
- unitysizeexplorer Visualize how much space each asset in your Unity game takes
- UnityEngineAnalyzer Roslyn Analyzer for Unity3D
- shader-playground ð Shader compilers
- glsl-optimizer â GLSL optimizer based on Mesa's GLSL compiler.
- glslang Khronos reference front-end for GLSL and ESSL, and sample SPIR-V generator
- shaderc A collection of tools, libraries and tests for shader compilation.
- ShaderForge unity shader node editor.
- Shader HighLighting: HlslTools nshader ShaderlabVS
- graphicsfuzz A testing framework for automatically finding and simplifying bugs in graphics shader compilers.
- gaffer A open source application framework designed specifically for creating tools for use in visual effects production.
- cortex Libraries for visual effects software development
- xNormal A free tool to bake texture maps ( like normal maps and ambient occlusion )
- FlowmapPainter
- Fornos GPU Texture Baking Tool
- AwesomeBump generate normal, height, specular or ambient occlusion textures from a single image
- NormalmapGenerator A simple program that converts images into normal maps
- Imogen GPU Texture Generator
- aobaker ambient occlusion baking tool
- Luminance HDR A complete workflow for HDR imaging.
- InkPainter Texture-Paint on Unity.
- WaterByBakeDepth
- UVAtlas UVAtlas isochart texture atlas
- Cheetah-Texture-Packer High efficient and fast 2D bin packing tool
- thekla_atlas Atlas Generation Tool
- Unity3D-TextureAtlasSlicer
- VaTexAtlas plugin for Unreal Engine 4 that makes texture atlases simpler to use with UMG system.
- renderdoc A stand-alone graphics debugging tool.
- CodeXL a comprehensive tool suite that enables developers to harness the benefits of CPUs, GPUs and APUs.
- LPGPU2-CodeXL LPGPU2 CodeXL power performance analysis and feedback tool for GPUs
- perfdoc A cross-platform Vulkan layer which checks Vulkan applications for best practices on Arm Mali devices.
- gapid Graphics API Debugger by google
- vogl OpenGL capture / playback debugger by valve
- apitrace Tools for tracing OpenGL, Direct3D, and other graphics APIs
- GPUVis GPU Trace Visualizer
- Remotery Single C file, Realtime CPU/GPU Profiler with Remote Web Viewer
- BuGLe BuGLe combines a graphical OpenGL debugger with a selection of filters on the OpenGL command stream.
- Other: gDEBugger, NVIDIA Nsight, Microsoft PIX
- DirectX-Graphics-Samples This repo contains the DirectX Graphics samples that demonstrate how to build graphics intensive applications on Windows.
- directx-sdk-samples This repo contains C++ samples from the DirectX SDK updated to build using the Windows 8.x SDK or Windows 10 SDK
- Zombie-Direct3D-Samples June 2010 SDK updated to build with the latest version of Windows and Visual Studio
- IntroductionToVulkan Source code examples for "API without Secrets: Introduction to Vulkan" tutorial
- VulkanTutorial
- Vulkan
- vulkan-sdk for android
- nvpro-samples NVIDIA DesignWorks Samples
- NVIDIA Direct3D SDK 11
- NVIDIA Direct3D SDK 10
- NVIDIA Direct3D SDK 9
- GodComplex
- GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs
- GPUOpen-Effects
- NVIDIAGameWorks
- opengl-es-sdk-for-android
- powervr-graphics
- graphics-resources a list of graphic programming resources
- awesome-graphics Curated list of computer graphics tutorials and resources
- awesome-vulkan A curated list of awesome Vulkan libraries
- awesome-opengl A curated list of awesome OpenGL libraries, debuggers and resources.
- PositionBasedDynamics physically-based simulation of rigid bodies, deformable solids and fluids.
- SPlisHSPlasH physically-based simulation of fluids.
- GridFluidSim3D A PIC/FLIP fluid simulation based on the methods found in Robert Bridson's "Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics"
- SPHFluid Interactive 3D Fluid Simulation based on SPH
- RealTimeFluidRendering Implementation of the i3D2018 paper "A Narrow-Range Filter for Screen-Space Fluid Rendering".
- fluid-engine-dev Fluid simulation engine for computer graphics applications
- GamePhysicsCookbook ãGame Physics Cookbookãfor Unity
- SimplePhysicsDemo A simple lil demo showing a jobified physics system
- ozz-animation open source c++ 3d skeletal animation library and toolset
- acl Animation Compression Library
- cal3d Askeletal based 3d character animation library written in C++ in a platform-/graphic API-independent way.
- GPUSkinning
- Animation-Texture-Baker
- UE4_MotionMatching- Early Implementation of Motion Matching tech
- Render-Crowd-Of-Animated-Characters anim map for vertex shader to modify the vertex position of the mesh at runtime. use gpu instancing to reduce draw call.
- skeleton-builder
- hazumu Raytracing Skeletal Animation
- XParticle
- VolumetricParticles
- gpu-particles A GPU Particle System for Unity
- AI4Animation Character Animation in Unity3D using Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- NvidiaAIDenoiser A simple implementation of Nvidia's AI denoiser
- VTK The Visualization Toolkit