A Sinatra app to get ISO codes query that can be embedded in a Rails app.
- countries - 3166 (all lang avalable at gem countries)
- subdivisions - 3166-2 (на русском)
- cities - parse from api.vk.com
- small embedded and standalone app
- use it with my cascade select2
- learn how to integrate sinatra in rails
To use in a Rails app, include the gem in your Gemfile:
gem 'iso_view'
mount IsoView::Server, :at => "/iso"
get "/countries/:lang?" => IsoView::Server
get "/subdivisions/:country/:lang?" => IsoView::Server
get "/cities/:country/:subdivision/:lang?" => IsoView::Server
- translation you prefer
run as standalone
or from a Rails app:
bundle exec iso_view
(This will use the vegas gem to launch the Sinatra app on an available port.)
Alternatively, a Rackup file is provided. To use: cd into the bin directory and execute:
iso_view is released under the MIT license:
It makes use of the following components also using the MIT license:
- Sinatra - http://www.sinatrarb.com/