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mfem / web

This repo contains the MFEM website MkDocs sources.

To make changes to the website you will need an install of Python version >= 3.6.9 and < 3.10 with the following libraries:

  • use MkDocs v1.0.4 with Markdown v3.0 and the latest PyYAML and mkdocs-exclude-search:
    • pip install --upgrade --user mkdocs==1.0.4
    • pip install --upgrade --user Markdown==3.0
    • pip install --upgrade --user PyYAML
    • pip install --upgrade --user mkdocs-exclude-search
    • pip install --upgrade --user "jinja2<3.1.0"
  • or in a Python virtual environment
    • python3 -m venv mfem-web-venv
    • . ./mfem-web-venv/bin/activate
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • newer versions may not generate correct front page (to see the installed version, use pip show mkdocs)
  • make sure you don't have mkdocs-material installed which may conflict with regular mkdocs
  • clone this repo,
  • edit or add some .md files (you may also need to update the mkdocs.yml config),
  • preview locally with mkdocs serve (Windows users may need to specify a port, such as mkdocs serve --dev-addr,
  • publish with mkdocs gh-deploy.


  • We have several article collections: tag-howto, tag-gettingstarted, tag-fem, tag-mesh each of which has a base page, e.g. for tag-howto.
  • If an article belongs to a collection, a "Back to " link will appear below its TOC.
  • To mark that an article is part of one or several collection, add the tags at the very beginning of the file, see e.g.
  • To add a new collection, see the code in template/toc.html.

Checklist for adding examples:

  • Add a one-line summary of the example in
  • Add an image file in img/examples/, e.g. img/examples/ex1.png
  • Add a brief description in following the description at the top of the C++ file
  • Add a "showElement" line with the appropriate categories for the example in the update function at the end of

To add a new Application / Finite Elements / Discretization / Solver category:

  • Add an <option> tag at the top of, e.g. <option id="wave">Wave</option>
  • Use the id in filter expressions of appropriate examples in update, e.g. showElement("ex25", (maxwell || wave) && hcurl && galerkin && (gmres || ams));

Checklist for adding miniapps:

  • Consider adding a one-line summary of the example in (if we want to advertise the miniapp to users)
  • Add an image file in img/examples/, e.g. img/examples/shaper.png
  • Add a brief description in following the description at the top of the C++ file
  • Add a "showElement" line with the appropriate categories for the miniapp in the update function at the end of
  • If the miniapp is part of a group, e.g. meshing miniapps, add it also to