Yaps is a JavaScript framework that aims at facilitating development of dynamic web applications under Facebook Application platform.
It’s deeply inspired by the Prototype framework (prototypejs.org) for the basic common features and by Scriptaculous library (script.aculo.us/) for the specific classes.
We try to make our code usable on every platform. For now, it has been tested only on :
Mozilla Firefox 3
Apple Safari 3.1.2
To use Yaps in your Facebook application, download the latest release from the Yaps web site (labs.sociabliz.com/yaps) and copy the javascript files to a suitable location. Then include it in your HTML/FBML like this:
<script src=“/path/to/base.js”></script> If you need special feature like drag & dropping classes, include them after the base.js file like this:
<script src=“/path/to/dragdrop.js”></script>
Check out the Yaps source with
$ git clone git://github.com/meuble/yaps.git For now, we prefer that you fork the git repository and submit merge request.
Ther isn’t any Yaps specific documentation.
Since Yaps tries to be a copycat library, you can still check out Prototype or Scriptaculous documentation to find out how Yaps works.
prototypejs.org/api github.com/madrobby/scriptaculous/wikis Reference about Facebook FBJS can be found here:
Yaps is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, see the included MIT-LICENSE file.