A collection of libraries and applications for astronomy image processing in Java.
The project currently only consists of:
- jserfile : a library to read SER video files (for developers)
- math : a library with maths utilities like linear and ellipse regression, image convolution, etc. (for developers)
- ser-player : an application which plays SER files
- JSol'Ex : an application to process Sol'Ex video files
- JSol'Ex CLI : a command-line application to process Sol'Ex video files. This version has to be built from sources, I do not provide installers yet.
If you want some context about why I started developing this, you can read my announcement blog post.
Si vous votez Rassemblement National ou tout autre parti proche de l'extrême droite, je vous demande de ne pas utiliser ce logiciel. Mes convictions sont diamètralement opposées à celles de ces partis et je ne souhaite pas que mon travail, développé sur mon temps libre avec une licence libre serve à des personnes qui soutiennent ces idées nauséabondes.
La solidarité, le partage, l'ouverture aux autres, la lutte contre les discriminations et les inégalités, le respect de toutes les religions, de tous les genres sont les valeurs qui m'animent. Elles sont à l'opposé de celles prônées par ces partis.
Je vous invite à ne pas céder aux sirènes de la haine et à vous tourner vers des valeurs plus positives, où votre bien-être ne passe pas par le rejet de l'autre.
If you support Trump or any other party close to the far right, I ask you not to use this software.
My values are fundamentally opposed to those of these parties, and I do not wish for my work, which I have developed during evenings and weekends, and despite it being open source, to be used by people who support these nauseating ideas.
Solidarity, openness to others, ecology, fight against discrimination and inequality, respect for all religions, genders, and sexual orientations are the values that drive me. I do not accept that my work be used by people who are responsible for suffering and exclusion. If you do, I kindly ask you to review your choices and turn to more positive values, where your well-being does not come from the rejection of others.
The following binaries are provided as a convenience and built from sources using GitHub Actions. They are provided as-is, without any warranty.
- Latest release is version 2.11.2 (documentation)
You can also install the development version of JSol'Ex as it can contain numerous bugfixes and improvements over the release versions.
- Development versions (updated on each commit)
Licensed under Apache License version 2.
You need to have a Java 23 SDK to build from sources. I recommend that you install GraalVM for Java 23.
This project makes use of Gradle to build. Here are some common tasks you may want to execute:
Description | Task | Example |
Run the application | run |
./gradlew :jsolex:run |
Build without running tests | assemble |
`./gradlew :ser-player:assemble |
Package as a Zip file | jlinkZipArchive |
./gradlew :jsolex:jlinkZipArchive the look into the jsolex/build/installers directory |
Execute tests | test |
./gradlew :ser-player:test |
Build all distributionss | allDistributions |
./gradlew allDistributions then look into the build/installers directories |
Tasks can be executed on all projects by running ./gradlew <task>
or on a single subproject by running ./gradlew :subproject:<task>
The most common projects you'll want to run on are jsolex
(the JSol'Ex application) or ser-player
(the SER Player application).
For example : ./gradlew :jsolex:run