sharpASP - Exact ASP Counting with Compact Encodings
- GMPlib
Clone the repository including all the submodules via
git clone --recursive [email protected]/meelgroup/sharpASP.git
To build sharpASP(D4)
cd d4
To build sharpASP(ganak)
cd ganak-asp && cd script
To build sharpASP(sharpsat-td)
cd sharpsat-td
The input CNFs are available here. The CNFs are in completion + copy
format. The CNFs can be used as SharpASP input file without any processing.
We run our experiment in linux system
Make sure that the complied binaries of D4, sharpSAT-TD, ganak, and flow_cutter_pace17 exist in the current directory
Run sharpASP(GANAK)
using the following command (with input:
The input file contains Completion & Copy
of program
./ganak -noPCC -cs 4000 -noIBCP
Run sharpASP(sharpSAT-TD)
using the following command:
./sharpSAT -decot 100 -decow 100 -tmpdir . -cs 4000 CNF/
Run sharpASP(D4)
using the following command:
./d4 -pv=NO -mc CNF/
The experimental log files are available here.