ApproxMCv6 is a state-of-the-art approximate model counter utilizing an improved version of CryptoMiniSat to give approximate model counts to problems of size and complexity that were not possible before.
This work is the culmination of work by a number of people, including but not limited to, Mate Soos, Jiong Yang, Stephan Gocht, Yash Pote, and Kuldeep S. Meel. Publications: published in AAAI-19, in CAV2020, and in CAV2023. A large part of the work is in CryptoMiniSat.
ApproxMC handles CNF formulas and performs approximate counting.
- If you are interested in exact model counting, visit our exact counter Ganak
- If you are instead interested in DNF formulas, visit our approximate DNF counter Pepin.
Install using pip:
pip install pyapproxmc
Then you can use it as:
import pyapproxmc
c = pyapproxmc.Counter()
count = c.count()
print("Approximate count is: %d*2**%d" % (count[0], count[1]))
The above will print that Approximate count is: 11*2**16
. Since the largest
variable in the clauses was 20, the system contained 2**20 (i.e. 1048576)
potential models. However, some of these models were prohibited by the two
clauses, and so only approximately 11*2**16 (i.e. 720896) models remained.
If you want to count over a projection set, you need to call
, for example:
import pyapproxmc
c = pyapproxmc.Counter()
count = c.count(range(1,10))
print("Approximate count is: %d*2**%d" % (count[0], count[1]))
This now prints Approximate count is: 7*2**6
, which corresponds to the
approximate count of models, projected over variables 1..10.
To build on Linux, you will need the following:
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake
apt-get install libgmp3-dev
Then, build CryptoMiniSat, Arjun, and ApproxMC:
# not required but very useful
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
git clone
cd cadical
git checkout mate-only-libraries-1.8.0
cd ..
git clone
cd cadiback
git checkout mate
cd ..
git clone
cd cryptominisat
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cd ../..
git clone
cd sbva
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cd ../..
git clone
cd arjun
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cd ../..
git clone
cd approxmc
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
First, you must translate your problem to CNF and just pass your file as input
to ApproxMC. Then issue ./approxmc myfile.cnf
, it will print the number of
solutions of formula.
For some applications, one is not interested in solutions over all the variables and instead interested in counting the number of unique solutions to a subset of variables, called sampling set (also called a "projection set"). ApproxMC allows you to specify the sampling set using the following modified version of DIMACS format:
$ cat myfile.cnf
c p show 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 0
p cnf 500 1
3 4 0
Above, using the c p show
line, we declare that only variables 1, 3, 4, 6, 7,
8 and 10 form part of the sampling set out of the CNF's 500 variables
. This line must end with a 0. The solution that ApproxMC will be
giving is essentially answering the question: how many different combination of
settings to this variables are there that satisfy this problem? Naturally, if
your sampling set only contains 7 variables, then the maximum number of
solutions can only be at most 2^7 = 128. This is true even if your CNF has
thousands of variables.
In our case, the maximum number of solutions could at most be 2^7=128, but our CNF should be restricting this. Let's see:
$ approxmc --seed 5 myfile.cnf
c ApproxMC version 3.0
c CryptoMiniSat SHA revision [...]
c Using code from 'When Boolean Satisfiability Meets Gauss-E. in a Simplex Way'
[appmc] using seed: 5
[appmc] Sampling set size: 7
[appmc] Sampling set: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10,
[appmc] Using start iteration 0
[appmc] [ 0.00 ] bounded_sol_count looking for 73 solutions -- hashes active: 0
[appmc] [ 0.01 ] bounded_sol_count looking for 73 solutions -- hashes active: 1
[appmc] [ 0.01 ] bounded_sol_count looking for 73 solutions -- hashes active: 0
[appmc] FINISHED ApproxMC T: 0.04 s
c [appmc] Number of solutions is: 48*2**1
s mc 96
ApproxMC reports that we have approximately 96 (=48*2)
solutions to the CNF's independent support. This is because for variables 3 and 4 we have banned the false,false
solution, so out of their 4 possible settings, one is banned. Therefore, we have 2^5 * (4-1) = 96
ApproxMC provides so-called "PAC", or Probably Approximately Correct, guarantees. In less fancy words, the system guarantees that the solution found is within a certain tolerance (called "epsilon") with a certain probability (called "delta"). The default tolerance and probability, i.e. epsilon and delta values, are set to 0.8 and 0.2, respectively. Both values are configurable.
The system can be used as a library:
#include <approxmc/approxmc.h>
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <cassert>
using std::vector;
using namespace ApproxMC;
using namespace CMSat;
int main() {
AppMC appmc;
vector<Lit> clause;
//add "-3 4 0"
clause.push_back(Lit(2, true));
clause.push_back(Lit(3, false));
//add "3 -4 0"
clause.push_back(Lit(2, false));
clause.push_back(Lit(3, true));
SolCount c = appmc.count();
uint32_t cnt = std::pow(2, c.hashCount)*c.cellSolCount;
assert(cnt == std::pow(2, 9));
return 0;
Note: this is beta version release, not recommended for general use. We are
currently working on a tight integration of sparse XORs into ApproxMC based on
our LICS-20 paper. You
can turn on the sparse XORs using the flag --sparse 1
but beware as reported in
LICS-20 paper, this may slow down solving in some cases. It is likely to give a
significant speedup if the number of solutions is very large.
Please click on "issues" at the top and create a new issue. All issues are responded to promptly.
If you use ApproxMC, please cite the following papers: AAAI-19, in CAV2020, and in CAV2023. CAV20, AAAI19 and IJCAI16. If you use sparse XORs, please also cite the LICS20 paper. ApproxMC builds on a series of papers on hashing-based approach: Related Publications
The benchmarks used in our evaluation can be found here.