If you need to quickly implement a performant and resilient web crawler with custom logic, minet.crawl
provides a handful of building blocks that you can easily repurpose to suit your use-case.
As such, minet
crawlers are multi-threaded, can defer computations to a process pool, can be made persistent to deal with large queues of urls and to be able to resume.
In minet
, a crawler is a multithreaded executor that reads from a queue of jobs (the combination of a url to request alongside some additional data & parameters) and perform HTTP requests for you.
Then, a crawler needs to be given one or several "spiders" that will process the result of a given crawl job (typically exposing a completed HTTP response) to extract some data and potentially enqueue the next jobs to perform.
The most simple "spider" is therefore a function taking a crawl job and a HTTP response that must return some extracted data and the next urls to enqueue.
Let's create such a spider:
def spider(job, response):
# We are only interested in extracting stuff from completed HTML responses
if response.status != 200 or not response.is_html:
# NOTE: the function can return nothing, which is the same a
# returning (None, None), meaning no data, no next urls.
# Scraping the page's title
title = response.soup().scrape_one("meta > title")
# Extracting links
urls = response.links()
# We return some extracted data, then the next urls to enqueue
return title, urls
Now we can create a Crawler using our spider
function and iterate over crawl results downstream:
from minet.crawl import Crawler
# Always prefer using the context manager that ensures the resources
# managed by the crawler will be correctly cleaned up:
with Crawler(spider) as crawler:
# Enqueuing our start url:
# Iterating over the crawler's results (after spider processing)
for result in crawler:
print("Url", result.url)
if result.error is not None:
print("Error", result.error)
print("Depth", result.depth)
print("Title", result.data)
If you want to rely on python typings when writing your spider, know that minet.crawl
APIs are all completely typed.
Here is how one would write a typed spider function:
from minet.web import Response
from minet.crawl import CrawlJob, SpiderResult
def spider(job: CrawlJob, response: Response) -> SpiderResult[str]:
# We are only interested in extracting stuff from completed HTML responses
if response.status != 200 or not response.is_html:
# NOTE: the function can return nothing, which is the same a
# returning (None, None), meaning no data, no next urls.
# Scraping the page's title
title = response.soup().scrape_one('meta > title')
# Extracting links
urls = response.links()
# We return some extracted data, then the next urls to enqueue
return title, urls
And when using the crawler:
from minet.crawl import Crawler, ErroredCrawlResult
# Always prefer using the context manager that ensures the resources
# managed by the crawler will be correctly cleaned up:
with Crawler(spider) as crawler:
# Enqueuing our start url:
# Iterating over the crawler's results (after spider processing)
for result in crawler:
print("Url", result.url)
if isintance(result, ErroredCrawlResult):
print("Error", result.error)
# NOTE: here result is correctly narrowed to SuccessfulCrawlResult
print("Depth", result.depth)
print("Title", result.data)
Sometimes you might want to separate the processing logic into multiple functions/spiders.
For instance, one of the spider might scrape and navigate some pagination, while some other one might be scraping the articles found in said pagination.
In that case, know that a crawler is able to accept multiple spiders given as a dict mapping names to spider function or Spider instances.
from minet.crawl import Crawler, CrawlTarget
def pagination_spider(job, response):
next_link = response.soup().scrape_one("a.next", "href")
if next_link is None:
return None, CrawlTarget(next_link, spider="article")
def article_spider(job, response):
titles = response.soup().scrape("h2")
return titles, None
spiders = {
"pagination": pagination_spider,
"article": article_spider
with Crawler(spiders) as crawler:
crawler.enqueue("http://someurl.com", spider="pagination")
for result in crawler:
print("From spider:", result.spider, 'got result:', result)
Sometimes a function might not be enough and you might want to be able to design more complex spiders. Indeed, what if you want to specify custom starting logic, custom request arguments for the calls or use the crawler's utilities wrt the threadsafe file writer or process pool?
For this, you need to implement your own spider, that must inherit from the Spider class.
A spider class MVP needs at least to implement a process
method that will perform the same job as its function counterpart that we learnt about earlier.
from minet.crawl import Crawler, Spider
class MySpider(Spider):
def process(self, job, response):
if response.status != 200 or not response.is_html:
return None, response.links()
# NOTE: we are now giving an instance of MySpider to the Crawler, not the class itself
# This means you can now use your spider class __init__ to parametrize the spider if
# required.
with Crawler(MySpider()) as crawler:
for result in crawler:
Declaring starting targets
from minet.crawl import Spider, CrawlTarget
# Using any of those class attributes:
class MySpider(Spider):
START_URL = "http://lemonde.fr"
START_URLS = ["http://lemonde.fr", "http://lefigaro.fr"],
START_TARGET = CrawlTarget(url="http://lemonde.fr")
START_TARGETS = [CrawlTarget(url="http://lemonde.fr"), CrawlTarget(url="http://lefigaro.fr")]
# Implementing the start method
class MySpider(Spider):
def start():
yield "http://lemonde.fr"
yield CrawlTarget(url="http://lefigaro.fr")
Accessing the crawler's utilities
from minet.crawl import Crawler, Spider
class MySpider(Spider):
def process(self, job, response):
if response.status != 200 or not response.is_html:
# Submitting a computation to the process pool:
data = self.submit(heavy_computation_function, response.body)
# Writing a file to disk in a threadsafe manner:
self.write(data.path, response.body, compress=True)
return data, response.links()
- spider_or_spiders Spider | dict[str, Spider]: either a single spider (only a processing function or a Spider instance) or a dict mapping a name to processing functions or Spider instances.
- max_workers Optional[int]: number of threads to be spawned by the pool. Will default to some sensible number based on your number of CPUs.
- persistent_storage_path Optional[str]: path to a folder that will contain persistent on-disk resources for the crawler's queue and url cache. If not given, the crawler will work entirely in-memory, which means memory could be exceeded if the url queue or cache becomes too large and you also won't be able to resume if your python process crashes.
- resume bool
: whether to attempt to resume from persistent storage. Will raise ifpersistent_storage_path=None
. - visit_urls_only_once bool
: whether to guarantee the crawler won't visit the same url twice. - normalized_url_cache bool
: whether to useural.normalize_url
before adding a url to the crawler's cache. This can be handy to avoid visiting a same page having subtly different urls twice. This will do nothing ifvisit_urls_only_once=False
. - max_depth Optional[int]: global maximum allowed depth for the crawler to accept a job.
- writer_root_directory Optional[str]: root directory that will be used to resolve path written by the crawler's own threadsafe file writer.
- sqlar bool
: whether the crawler's threadsafe file writer should target a sqlar archive instead. - lifo bool
: whether to process the crawler queue if Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) order. By default the crawler queue is First-In, First-Out (FIFO). Note that this may not hold if you provide a custompriority
with your jobs. What's more, given the multithreaded nature and complex scheduling of the crawler, the order may not hold locally. - domain_parallelism int
: maximum number of concurrent calls allowed on a same domain. - throttle float
: time to wait, in seconds, between two calls to the same domain. - process_pool_workers Optional[int]: number of processes to spawn that can be used by the crawler and its spiders to delegate CPU-intensive tasks through their
method. - wait bool
: whether to wait for the threads to be joined when terminating the pool. - daemonic bool
: whether to spawn daemon threads. - timeout Optional[float | urllib3.Timeout]: default timeout to be used for any HTTP call.
- insecure bool: whether to allow insecure HTTPS connections.
- spoof_tls_ciphers bool
: whether to spoof the TLS ciphers. - proxy Optional[str]: url to a proxy server to be used.
- retry bool
: whether to allow the HTTP calls to be retried. - retryer_kwargs Optional[dict]: arguments that will be given to create_reques.t_retryer to create the retryer for each of the spawned threads.
- request_args Optional[Callable[[T], dict]]: function returning arguments that will be given to the threaded request call for a given item from the iterable.
- use_pycurl bool
: whether to usepycurl
instead ofurllib3
to perform the request. Thepycurl
library must be installed for this kwarg to work. - compressed bool
: whether to automatically specify theAccept
header to ask the server to compress the response's body on the wire. - known_encoding Optional[str]: encoding of the body of requested urls. Defaults to
which means this encoding will be inferred from the body itself. - max_redirects int
: maximum number of redirections the request will be allowed to follow before raising an error. - stateful_redirects bool
: whether to allow the resolver to be stateful and store cookies along the redirection chain. This is useful when dealing with GDPR compliance patterns from websites etc. but can hurt performance a little bit. - spoof_ua bool
: whether to use a plausibleUser-Agent
header when performing requests.
- singular bool:
if the crawler handles a single spider. - plural bool:
if the crawler handles multiple spiders.
Returns the current length of the queue.
>>> 1
Actually starts the crawler's scheduling and iterate over the crawler's results yielded as CrawlResult objects.
Same as calling the #.crawl method without arguments.
for result in crawler:
Actually starts the crawler's scheduling and iterate over the crawler's results yielded as CrawlResult objects.
# Basic usage
for result in crawler.crawl():
# Using a callback
def callback(crawler, result):
path = result.data.path + ".html"
crawler.write(path, result.response.body)
return path
for result, written_path in crawler.crawl(callback=callback):
print("Response was written to:", written_path)
- callback Optional[Callable[[Crawler, SuccessfulCrawlResult], T]]: callback that can be used to perform IO-intensive tasks within the same thread used for performing the crawler's request and to return additional information. If callback is given, the iterator returned by the method will yield
(result, callback_result)
instead of justresult
. Note that this callback must be threadsafe.
Method used to atomically add a single target to crawl or an iterable of targets to crawl.
Will return the number of jobs actually created an enqueued (if visit_urls_only_once=True
or max_depth!=None
, for instance, some targets might be discarded).
Note that, usually, new targets are not enqueued manually to the crawler but rather as an implicit result of some spider's processing or when specifying start targets when implementing a Spider.
from minet.crawl import CrawlTarget
# Can take a single url
# Can take a single crawl target
crawler.enqueue(CrawlTarget(url="https://www.lemonde.fr", priority=5))
# Can take an iterable of urls
# Can take an iterable of crawl targets
CrawlTarget(url="https://www.lemonde.fr", priority=5)
CrawlTarget(url="https://lefigaro.fr", priority=6)
- target_or_targets str | CrawlTarget | Iterable[str] | Iterable[CrawlTarget]: targets to enqueue.
- spider Optional[str]: override target spider.
- depth Optional[int]: override target depth.
- base_url Optional[str]: optional base url that will be used to resolve relative targets.
- parent *Optional[CrawlJob]: override parent job.
Method used to manually start the crawler and enqueue start jobs if necessary (when not resuming).
This method is automatically called when using the crawler as a context manager.
Method used to manually stop the crawler and cleanup the associated resources (the thread pool, the process pool, flush the persistent caches and close the SQLite connections etc.).
This method is automatically called when using the crawler as a context manager.
Use the crawler's internal threadsafe file writer to write the given binary or text content to disk.
Returns the actually written path after resolution and extension mangling.
- filename str: path to write. Will be resolved with the crawler's
if relative. - contents str | bytes: text content, binary or text, to write to disk.
- relative bool
: ifTrue
, the returned path will be relative instead of absolute. - compress bool
: whether to gzip the file when writing. Will add.gz
to the path if necessary.
Submit a function to be run in a process from the pool managed by the crawler. If process_pool_workers
is less than 1
, the function will run synchronously in the same process as the crawler.
def heavy_html_processing(html: bytes):
return something_hard_to_compute(html)
result = crawler.submit(heavy_html_processing, some_html)
Class property that you can use to specify a single starting url.
Class property that you can use to specify multiple starting urls as a non-lazy iterable (implement the #.start method for lazy iterables, generators etc.).
Class property that you can use to specify a single starting CrawlTarget.
Class property that you can use to specify multiple starting [CrawlTarget] objects as a non-lazy iterable (implement the #.start method for lazy iterables, generators etc.).
Method that must return an iterable of crawl targets as urls or CrawlTarget instances.
Note that this method is only called the first time the crawler starts, and will not be called again when resuming.
from minet.crawl import Spider
class MySpider(Spider):
def start():
yield "http://lemonde.fr"
Method that must be implemented for the spider to be able to process the crawler's completed jobs.
The method takes a CrawlJob instance, a HTTP Response and must return either None
or a 2-tuple containing: 1. some optional & arbitrary data extracted from the response, 2. an iterable of next targets for the crawler to enqueue.
Note that next crawl targets can be relative (they will be resolved wrt current's job last redirected url) and that their depth, if not provided, will default to the current job's depth + 1.
Note also that if the crawler is plural (handling multiple spiders), next target will be dispatched to the same spider by default if a spider name for the target is not provided.
from minet.web import Response
from minet.crawl import Spider, CrawlJob, SpiderResult
class MySpider(Spider):
def process(self, job: CrawlJob, response: Response) -> SpiderResult:
if response.status != 200 or not response.is_html:
return None, response.links()
Same as calling the attached crawler's #.write method.
Same as calling the attached crawler's #.submit method.
A crawl target is an object that will be used by the crawler to spawn new jobs. You can of course directly ask the crawler to enqueue urls directly but using a CrawlTarget
object enables you to provide more details.
You can for instance specify a custom depth or priority, redirect the job that will be created to other spiders and even pass some useful data along the crawler queue that will be used by spiders to perform their processing.
# CrawlTarget with only a url is the same as giving the url directly
target = CrawlTarget("https://www.lemonde.fr")
# Custom priority (lower will be processed first)
target = CrawlTarget("https://www.lemonde.fr", priority=5)
# Delegate to a specific spider for processing and pass some data along
target = CrawlTarget(
data={"media_type": "national"}
- url str: url to request.
- depth Optional[int]: override depth for the upcoming crawl job.
- spider Optional[str]: name of target spider for the upcoming crawl job.
- priority int
: custom priority for the upcoming crawl job. Lower means earlier. - data Optional[T]: data to pass along.
A crawl job is an actual job that was enqueued by the crawler. They are created and managed by the crawler itself and are usually derived from a url or a CrawlTarget object.
Those jobs are also provided to spider's processing functions and can be accessed from a CrawlResult downstream.
- id str: a unique id referencing the job.
- url str: the url meant to be requested.
- group str: the job's group wrt allowed concurrency and throttling. By default, a job's group is the url's domain.
- depth int: the job's depth.
- spider Optional[str]: name of the spider tasked to process the job.
- priority int: the job's priority. Lower means earlier.
- data Optional[T]: data that was provided by the user along with the job.
- parent Optional[str]: id of the parent job, if any.
- job CrawlJob: job that was completed or errored.
- data Optional[T]: data extracted by the spider for the job.
- error Optional[Exception]: error that happened when requesting the job's url.
- error_code Optional[str]: human-readable error code if an error happened when requesting the job's url.
- response Optional[Response]: HTTP response if the job did not error.
- degree int: number of new jobs enqueued when processing this job.
- url str: shorthand for
. - depth int: shorthand for
. - spider Optional[str]: shorthand for
Typed variants
from minet.crawl import (
errored_result: ErroredCrawlResult
assert errored_result.data is None
assert errored_result.error is not None
assert errored_result.error_code is not None
assert errored_result.response is None
successful_result: SuccessfulCrawlResult
assert successful_result.data is not None
assert successful_result.error is None
assert successful_result.error_code is None
assert successful_result.response is not None