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Minet Web Utilities

Documentation for web-related utilities exported by the minet.web module, such as functions able to perform one-shot http requests, resolve urls etc.



Perform a single HTTP request and return the completed Response object. This function will only raise if something prevented the HTTP request to complete (e.g. network is down, target host does not exists etc.) but not if the resulting response has a non-200 HTTP status (unless the raise_on_statuses kwarg is given).


from minet.web import request

# Basic GET call
response = request("")
print(response.status, len(response))

# POST request with custom headers and JSON body
response = request(
  headers={"User-Agent": "Minet/1.1.7"},
  json_body={"id": "3463"}


  • url str: url to request.
  • method Optional[str] GET: HTTP method to use.
  • headers Optional[dict[str, str]]: HTTP headers, as a dict, to use for the request.
  • cookie Optional[str | dict[str, str]]: cookie string to pass as the Cookie header value. Can also be a cookie morsel dict mapping names to their values.
  • spoof_ua bool False: whether to use a plausible User-Agent header when performing the request.
  • follow_redirects bool True: whether to allow the request to follow redirections.
  • max_redirects int 5: maximum number of redirections the request will be allowed to follow before raising an error.
  • follow_refresh_header bool True: whether to allow the request to follow non-standard Refresh header redirections.
  • follow_meta_refresh bool False: whether to allow the request to sniff the response body to find a <meta> tag containing non-standard redirection information.
  • follow_js_relocation bool False: whether to allow the request to sniff the response body to find typical patterns of JavaScript url relocation.
  • infer_redirection bool False: whether to use ural.infer_redirection to allow redirection inference directly from analyzing the traversed urls.
  • canonicalize bool False: whether to allow the request to sniff the response body to find a different canonical url in the a relevant <link> tag and push it as a virtual redirection in the stack.
  • known_encoding Optional[str] utf-8: encoding of the response's text, if known beforehand. Set known_encoding to None if you want the request to infer the response's encoding.
  • timeout Optional[float | urllib3.Timeout]: timeout in seconds before raising an error.
  • body Optional[str | bytes]: body of the request as a string or raw bytes.
  • json_body Optional[Any]: data to serialize as JSON and to be sent as the request's body.
  • urlencoded_body Optional[dict[str, str | int | float]]: dict to serialize as a key-value urlencoded body to be sent with the request.
  • cancel_event Optional[threading.Event]: threading event that will be used to assess whether the request should be cancelled while we are still downloading its response's body.
  • raise_on_statuses Optional[Container[int]]: if given, request will raise if the response has a status in the given set, instead of returning the response.
  • stateful bool False: whether to allow the resolver to be stateful and store cookies along the redirection chain. This is useful when dealing with GDPR compliance patterns from websites etc. but can hurt performance a little bit.
  • use_pycurl bool False: whether to use pycurl instead of urllib3 to perform the request. The pycurl library must be installed for this kwarg to work.
  • compressed bool False: whether to automatically specify the Accept header to ask the server to compress the response's body on the wire.
  • pool_manager Optional[urllib3.PoolManager]: urllib3 pool manager to use to perform the request. Will use a default sensible pool manager if not given. This should only be cared about when you want to use a custom pool manager. This will not be used if pycurl=True.


Resolve the given url by following its redirections and return the full redirection chain as a list of Redirection objects. This function may raise when the maximum number of redirections is exceeded, if some relocation is invalid or if we end up in an infinite cycle.


from minet.web import resolve

# Basic GET call
redirections = resolve("")
print("Resolved url:", redirections[-1].url)

# Overcome some GDPR compliance issues related to cookies
redirections = resolve("", stateful=True)


  • url str: url to request.
  • method Optional[str]: HTTP method to use when resolving. Default to HEAD if no body sniffing is required, else GET.
  • headers Optional[dict[str, str]]: HTTP headers, as a dict, to use for the request.
  • cookie Optional[str | dict[str, str]]: cookie string to pass as the Cookie header value. Can also be a cookie morsel dict mapping names to their values.
  • spoof_ua bool False: whether to use a plausible User-Agent header when performing the query.
  • max_redirects int 5: maximum number of redirections the request will be allowed to follow before raising an error.
  • follow_refresh_header bool True: whether to allow the request to follow non-standard Refresh header redirections.
  • follow_meta_refresh bool False: whether to allow the request to sniff the response body to find a <meta> tag containing non-standard redirection information.
  • follow_js_relocation bool False: whether to allow the request to sniff the response body to find typical patterns of JavaScript url relocation.
  • infer_redirection bool False: whether to use ural.infer_redirection to allow redirection inference directly from analyzing the traversed urls.
  • canonicalize bool False: whether to allow the request to sniff the response body to find a different canonical url in the a relevant <link> tag and push it as a virtual redirection in the stack.
  • timeout Optional[float | urllib3.Timeout]: timeout in seconds before raising an error.
  • cancel_event Optional[threading.Event]: threading event that will be used to assess whether the request should be cancelled while we are still downloading its response's body.
  • raise_on_statuses Optional[Container[int]]: if given, request will raise if the response has a status in the given set, instead of returning the response.
  • stateful bool False: whether to allow the resolver to be stateful and store cookies along the redirection chain. This is useful when dealing with GDPR compliance patterns from websites etc. but can hurt performance a little bit.
  • pool_manager Optional[urllib3.PoolManager]: urllib3 pool manager to use to perform the request. Will use a default sensible pool manager if not given. This should only be cared about when you want to use a custom pool manager.


Class representing a completed HTTP response (that is to say the body was fully downloaded).


  • url str: requested url (before any redirection).
  • start_url str: alias for response.url.
  • end_url str: last reached url (after redirection). Shorthand for response.stack[-1].url.
  • status int: HTTP status for the response, e.g. 200, 404.
  • headers urllib3.HTTPHeaderDict: dict of the response's headers.
  • body bytes: body of the response (not decoded, use the #.text() method to get decoded text).
  • stack list[Redirection]: redirection stack of the response.
  • was_redirected bool: whether the response followed at least one redirection or not.
  • end_datetime datetime: time when the response finally completed.
  • ext Optional[str]: plausible extension for the kind of file retrieved by the response, e.g. .html, .pdf etc.
  • mimetype Optional[str]: mimetype of the response, inferred from the headers, the url and sometimes by sniffing the content (usually for html).
  • is_text bool: whether the response's body is inferred to be text. Reverse of response.is_binary.
  • is_binary bool: whether the response's body is inferred to be binary. Reverse of response.is_text.
  • could_be_html bool: whether the response could be html (inferred from headers and mimetype).
  • is_html bool: whether the response actually is html (inferred from sniffing the body).
  • encoding Optional[str]: encoding of the response, as inferred from headers, html patterns and/or sniffing the body. Will be None if response body is deemed to be binary.
  • likely_encoding str: likely encoding of the response, defaulting to utf-8, even when the response body is deemed to be binary.
  • encoding_from_headers Optional[str]: encoding of the response, according to its headers.
  • human_size str: formatted and human-readable size of the response body in bytes.


  • urljoin(target: str) -> str: shorthand for urllib.parse.urljoin(response.end_url, target).
  • text() -> str: method returning the decoded (as per inferred or known encoding) body of the response as text.
  • json() -> Any: method parsing the response's text as JSON.
  • soup() -> WonderfulSoup: method parsing the response's text as HTML and returning a soup useful for scraping etc.
  • links() -> List[str]: method extracting links from the response's html body by finding <a> tags containing relevant urls.
  • __len__ -> int: returns the size of the response's body in bytes.


Class representing a single step in a redirection stack, as returned by the resolve function.


  • url str: url of the redirection.
  • type str: the type of redirection. Must be one of hit, location-header, js-relocation, refresh-header, meta-refresh, infer or canonical.
  • status Optional[int]: status of the related HTTP response, if applicable (e.g. if the redirection type is infer, status will be None).


Create a Tenacity Retrying instance that can be use to wrap your calls to request or resolve.

By default, the returned retryer will implement some flavor of exponential backoff that is usually used when crawling the web.

Note also that the returned retryer knows about most network-related exceptions but that you can always indicate custom additional exception types using the additional_exceptions kwarg.


  • min Optional[float] 10: approximate minimum number of seconds to wait before next attempt.
  • max Optional[float]: approximate maximum number of seconds to wait before next attempt. Defaults to ~1 day.
  • max_attempts Optional[int] 9: maximum number of attempts allowed.
  • before_sleep Optional[Callable[[RetryState], None]]: callback function that will be called before the retryer starts sleeping.
  • additional_exceptions Optional[Iterable[Type[Exception]]]: additional exception types to retry.
  • retry_on_timeout bool True: whether to retry on timeout errors.
  • retry_on_statuses Optional[Container[int]]: whether to retry on some specific HTTP statuses.
  • predicate Optional[Callable[[RetryState], bool]]: function that will be called to assess whether the current attempt can be retried.