Simple draggable dialog
- Drag & Drop
- Touch support (only for drag, not for drop)
- Drop area component
- 'Pin mode', to lock drag.
npm install vue-dialog-drag --save
Import and register component
import DialogDrag from 'vue-dialog-drag'
export default{
include css
<style src='vue-dialog-drag/dist/vue-dialog-drag.css'></style>
Or import source component from: 'vue-dialog-drag/src/vue-dialog-drag.vue' And install devDependencies. (stylus and pug) see package.json)
<div id="app">
<dialog-drag id="dialog-1">
<p> Test dialog</p>
<drop-area @drop='drop'>
<p>Drop Here</p>
import DialogDrag from 'vue-dialog-drag'
import DropArea from 'vue-dialog-drag/dist/drop-area'
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
methods: {
drop (id) {
console.log('drop id:', id)
<style src="vue-dialog-drag/dist/vue-dialog-drag.css"></style>
<style src="vue-dialog-drag/dist/drop-area.css"></style>
<!-- optional dialog styles, see example -->
<style src="vue-dialog-drag/dist/dialog-styles.css"></style>
- title: dialog title. If you don't need formatted title, use 'title' prop.
- button-pin: content for pin button
- button-pinned: content for pin button when dialog is pinned
- button-close: content for close button
- id: Unique id for dialog
- title: Dialog title
- eventCb: Function(props Object)
- options: Object
- left: Number
- top: Number
- x: alias of left
- y: alias of top
- z: Number, z-index
- width: Number (0 or null to auto)
- height: Number (0 or null to auto)
- buttonPin: Boolean
- buttonClose:Boolean
- dragCursor: css cursor to show when drag is enabled
- centered: "viewport" | "parent" , center dialog to viewport or parent element
- pinned: Boolean, disable/enable drag
- dropEnabled: Boolean, handle drag with mouse events, instead of drag events
All event emits an object: { id, left, top, x, y, z, width, height, pinned } You can format it, whith 'eventCb' prop.
- load: fired on mounted
- focus: fired on click and touch
- pin: fired on pin / unpin dialog
- drag-start: fired on dragstart
- move: fired when move dialog
- drag-end: fired on dragend
- close: fired when close dialogs
The main container has class .dialog-drag, and .dialog-drag .fixed when dialog is pinned
You can import extra dialog styles from dist/dialog-styles.css.
view: example styles
Over: content rendered when the dialog is dragged over drop area.
drop: fired when drop the dialog, emits dialog id.