The Gainesville Opportunity Center (GOC) is using R to create reports, including listings, summaries, billing data, email lists for solicitation, board reports, and graphics. These reports will be accessible from Flourish, the hosted GOC data system by Form Communities
A dashboard is being built using Shiny to organize reports and other data presentations from Flourish. The dashboard will be hosted by Form Communities.
The GOC has implemented 10 Flourish modules:
- Members. Just Members. Prospects are in Contacts.
- Contacts. All Members are contacts, but not all contacts are Members. Contacts include donors, volunteers, community partners, staff, and many others.
- Gifts. All gifts, including in-kind.
- Attendance. All attendance, including staff, visitors, and volunteers.
- Outreach. Outreach to Members.
- Employment. One record per "employment" -- start/end with a specific employer. Employers are in Contacts.
- Supports. One record per support -- Members and a Staff Member participating in a clubhouse activity.
- Goals and Plans. One record per goal with associated plan. Members have multiple goals.
- Progress Notes. One progress note per month per goal.
- Users. The users of the system, including access roles.
The GOC Dashboard has 3 widgets, 49 reports, 8 plots, 10 table viewers, 1 technical figure, and 11 downloads.
Some highlights:
- Members with staff assignments showing attendance, supports, goals, and progress notes
- Sign in sheets, attendance and outreach reports
- Donations by year, campaign, top donors
- Billing reports for grants
- Payroll reports for staff
- Productivity reports
- Board reporting
- System information including database record counts, and field usage by table