Shared functionality for working with OpenTripPlanner, curated to the MBTA's needs.
This is in early stages and we expect things can change! Contribution welcomed.
Github-hosted Elixir libraries such as this one can be added to a project's dependencies in mix.exs
in this way:
def deps do
github: "mbta/open_trip_planner_client",
ref: "v0.11.1"
Then run mix deps.get
The library expects a URL to a running instance of OpenTripPlanner, and a
timezone name that's used to parse and format input DateTime
s into the correct
strings for input into OpenTripPlanner. Valid timezone names are from the Olson
database; valid values can be found using
. Ideally
the timezone matches that configured in the OpenTripPlanner instance.
The OpenTripPlanner instance needs to be version 2, with the GraphQL API enabled.
If using the
build parameter, it should be consistent with the timezone name indicated in
this configuration.
config :open_trip_planner_client,
otp_url: "http://localhost:8080",
timezone: "America/New_York"
We include a factory (OpenTripPlannerClient.Test.Support.Factory
) to help with testing your usage of OpenTripPlanner.
In order to use it, you'll also need to include the deps ex_machina and faker.
{:ex_machina, "2.8.0", only: [:dev, :test]},
{:faker, "0.18.0", only: [:dev, :test]},
If you don't want or need the test helper and don't want or need ExMachina or Faker, no need to do anything. The library simply won't export the helper.
Documentation is automatically generated with every release, and the latest docs are published on Github Pages.
At minimum, origin and destination must specify either a valid :stop_id
or :lat_lon
value, and can optionally include a :name
origin = [stop_id: "place-north"]
destination = [name: "Park Plaza", lat_lon: {42.348777, -71.066481}]
{:ok, itineraries} = OpenTripPlannerClient.plan(origin, destination, [])
The t:OpenTripPlannerClient.Behaviour.plan_opt/0
type describes additional expected parameters, which include specifying the departure or arrival times, filtering for wheelchair accessibility, and generating one or more supported tags.
plan(origin, destination, arriveBy: ~N[2024-04-15T09:00:00] |> DateTime.from_naive!("America/New_York"))
plan(origin, destination, wheelchair: false, depart_at: ~N[2024-03-30T11:24:00] |> DateTime.from_naive!("America/New_York"))
The list of itineraries returned are directly from OpenTripPlanner, and consumers are expected to handle further parsing. Refer to the test fixture for expected fields.
A special :tags
feature will score the list of itineraries against a specified
criteria. This client provides several tag implementations, and it's also
possible to create custom tags, by implementing the
alias OpenTripPlannerClient.ItineraryTag
tags = [
{:ok, itineraries} = plan(origin, destination, tags: tags)
The returned itineraries include an extra field, "tag"
, which will contain the relevant tag.
[:shortest_trip, :least_walking, nil] =, &Map.get(&1, "tag"))