SendGrid Helper Library to send emails very easily using Go.
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
sg := sendgrid.NewSendGridClient("sendgrid_user", "sendgrid_key")
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddTo("[email protected]")
message.AddToName("Yamil Asusta")
message.SetSubject("SendGrid Testing")
message.SetFrom("[email protected]")
if r := sg.Send(message); r == nil {
fmt.Println("Email sent!")
} else {
sg := sendgrid.NewSendGridClient("sendgrid_user", "sendgrid_key")
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddTo("[email protected]") // Returns error if email string is not valid RFC 5322
// or
address, _ := mail.ParseAddress("Example <[email protected]>")
message.AddRecipient(address) // Receives a vaild mail.Address
Same concept as regular recipient excepts the methods are:
- AddBCC
- AddRecipientBCC
message.SetSubject("New email")
message.SetText("Add Text Here..")
message.SetHTML("<html><body>Stuff, you know?</body></html>")
message.SetFrom("[email protected]")
message.AddAttachment("text.txt", file) // file needs to implement the io.Reader interface
message.AddAttachmentStream("filename", []byte("some file content"))
message.AddContentID("id", "content")
SendGrid's X-SMTPAPI
If you wish to use the X-SMTPAPI on your own app, you can use the SMTPAPI Go library.
message.AddTo("[email protected]")
// or
tos := []string{"[email protected]", "[email protected]"}
// or
message.AddSubstitution("key", "value")
// or
values := []string{"value1", "value2"}
message.AddSubstitutions("key", values)
sub := make(map[string][]string)
sub["key"] = values
message.AddSection("section", "value")
// or
sections := make(map[string]string)
sections["section"] = "value"
// or
categories := []string{"setCategories"}
// or
message.AddUniqueArg("key", "value")
// or
args := make(map[string]string)
args["key"] = "value"
message.AddFilter("filter", "setting", "value")
// or
filter := &Filter{
Settings: make(map[string]string),
filter.Settings["enable"] = "1"
filter.Settings["text/plain"] = "You can haz footers!"
message.SetFilter("footer", filter)
message.JSONString() //returns a JSON string representation of the headers
package main
import (
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
sg := sendgrid.NewSendGridClient("sendgrid_user", "sendgrid_key")
c := appengine.NewContext(r)
// set http.Client to use the appengine client
sg.Client = urlfetch.Client(c) //Just perform this swap, and you are good to go.
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddTo("[email protected]")
message.SetSubject("SendGrid is Baller")
message.SetHTML("Simple Text")
message.SetFrom("[email protected]")
if r := sg.Send(message); r == nil {
fmt.Println("Email sent!")
} else {
c.Errorf("Unable to send mail %v",r)
Kudos to Matthew Zimmerman for this example.
Please run the test suite in before sending a pull request.
go test -v
- Add Versioning
- Add proper support for BCC
##MIT License
Enjoy. Feel free to make pull requests :)