This project was originally built by Matt Bernier ( as a quickie project. The code is not perfect, clean, or even documented well (at all). Despite that, it's a fun project and I'd love to have you work on it and make it better.
Please feel free to add your name to the list of people who have worked on this project.
Handles all the functionality of the entire site.
The backend functionality, includes the class I built for grabbing data from mashape's API search.
Originally intended to be a place to suggest how to use ApiRandomizer for a hackathon
Has arrays (remember the part about being a quickie project) that provide the content for the three boxes at the top of the results page.
All the Twitter bootstrap stuff and jquery in the js dir
Just a place to throw classes like Unirest
Ideas I had, but never built in:
- Allow people a way to save "good ideas"
- Allow people to vote on these ideas
- Provide a feed of these ideas somewhere on the site
- There is code for a "sponsor" to be included, but it is based on the original method of pulling
- APIs from an array instead of from the Mashape API - could be easily added back in using the API
- Some UI stuff would be nice, maybe something like