Social Media Application
Simple django application with the following as main features:
- User Authentication and Profiles
- Content Creation and Interaction
- Following and Followers
- Groups and Communities
- Commenting and Replies
- Notifications
- Search and Discovery
- Privacy and Security
- API Documentation and Testing
- Python
- Django
- Django Rest Framework
- Docker
- Follow the guide here on how to clone or fork a repo
- Follow the guide here on how to install and run docker
- To run application with docker
docker-compose up --build
- OR
docker build -t appname .
docker-compose up -d
- Create a virtual environment with the following commond:
python3 -m virtualenv venv
- For Linux and Mac, activate virtual environment with the following commad:
source venv/bin/activate
- For Windows, activate virtual environment with the following command:
source venv/Scripts/activate
- Install Project Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To run migrations
python makemigrations
python migrate
- Run Django Server with
python runserver
- To run tests:
python test
- /api/post/ - create a post
- /api/home/ - return the list of all posts
- /api/home/popular/ - return popular posts
- /api/home/{post_id}/ - return a single post
- /api/home/{post_id}/ - update a post
- /api/home/{post_id}/ - delete a post
- /api/home/{post_id}/like/ - like or unlike post
- /api/home/{post_id}/likers/ - returns all likers of a post
- /api/home/{post_id}/comment/ - comment on a post
- /api/home/{post_id}/comment/ - return a list all comments on a post
- /api/home/comments/{comment_id}/reply/ - reply to a comment
- /api/home/comments/{comment_id}/reply/ - return a list of all replies on a comment
- /api/home/{post_id}/share/ - share a post
- /api/home/shared-posts/ - returns a list all shared posts
- /api/home/users/{user_id}/notifications/ - returns a list of all user notifications
- /api/home/create-group/ - create a group
- /api/home/groups/ - returns a list of all groups
- /api/home/groups/{group_id}/ - returns a single group
- /api/home/groups/{group_id}/ - edit group
- /api/home/groups/{group_id}/ - delete group
- /api/home/groups/{group_id}/join/ - join or leave a group
- /api/home/users/ - returns a list of all registered users
- /api/home/users/{user_id}/ - returns a single user
- /api/account/{user_id}/edit-profile/ - edit user profile
- /api/account/{user_id}/edit-profile/ - delete user account
- /api/account/{user_id}/profile-pic/ - edit profile picture
- /api/account/{user_id}/profile-pic/ - remove/delete profile picture
- /api/home/users/{user_id}/follow/ - follow or unfollow a user
- /api/home/users/{user_id}/followers/ - returns a list of all user followers
- /api/home/users/{user_id}/following/ - returns a list of all user following
- /api/account/register/ - register a new user account
- /api/account/login/ - login to an existing user account
- /api/account/logout/ - logout