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angular-sample-app Dependency Status Build Status Circle CI

AngularJS seed app with an optimized build system to get started right away.


Install global dependencies...

sudo npm install -g gulp
sudo npm install -g bower

...and the project specific dependencies.

npm install
bower install

By running gulp commands inside the vm you are able to build, test and deploy the application.

gulp              # build the webapp (for local usage) and proxies it to :9001 for live reload
gulp test         # test the webapp with unit tests
gulp git-deploy --production   # deploy the webapp to a remote server

You can define the used environment by adding:

--development # (default) local
--production  # production configuration, deploys to branch gh-pages

Release: Before releasing always check:

  • gulp jshint runs without problems
  • gulp test runs without failing tests

Then release using:

gulp release

The code will be tested and deployed from the CI, just lean back and enjoy.

App Structure


.publish  # gets generated in deployment process to create deployment branch 
app       # contains the source code of the webapp
  bower_components  # javascript dependencies of the frontend
  components        # different parts of the webapp
    _blocks             # directives which are used all over the system
    _lang               # translation files
    _layout             # basic page layout
    _validators         # custom input validators
  fonts             # custom icon fonts in different formats
  scss              # basic style configurations which are used in the entire webapp
coverage  # gets generated while unit testing to access coverage reports in html
dist      # gets generated in build process webservers or gulp server show its content
node_modules  # build dependencies


Base application for all kinds of angularJS apps.






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