A fast Julia library for increasing the number of training images by applying various transformations.
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Augmentor is a real-time image augmentation library designed to render the process of artificial dataset enlargement more convenient, less error prone, and easier to reproduce. It offers the user the ability to build a stochastic image-processing pipeline -- which we will also refer to as augmentation pipeline -- using image operations as building blocks. For our purposes, an augmentation pipeline can be understood as a sequence of operations for which the parameters can (but need not) be random variables.
julia> pipeline = FlipX(0.5) |> Rotate([-5,-3,0,3,5]) |> CropSize(64,64) |> Zoom(1:0.1:1.2)
# 4-step Augmentor.ImmutablePipeline:
# 1.) Either: (50%) Flip the X axis. (50%) No operation.
# 2.) Rotate by θ ∈ [-5, -3, 0, 3, 5] degree
# 3.) Crop a 64×64 window around the center
# 4.) Zoom by I ∈ {1.0×1.0, 1.1×1.1, 1.2×1.2}
The Julia version of Augmentor is engineered specifically for high performance applications. It makes use of multiple heuristics to generate efficient tailor-made code for the concrete user-specified augmentation pipeline. In particular Augmentor tries to avoid the need for any intermediate images, but instead aims to compute the output image directly from the input in one single pass.
Augmentor.jl is the Julia implementation for Augmentor. The Python version of the same name is available here.
The following code snippet shows how an augmentation pipeline can be specified using simple building blocks that we call "operations". In order to give the example some meaning, we will use a real medical image from the publicly available ISIC archive as input. The concrete image can be downloaded here using their Web API.
julia> using Augmentor, ISICArchive
julia> img = get(ImageThumbnailRequest(id = "5592ac599fc3c13155a57a85"))
# 169×256 Array{RGB{N0f8},2}:
# [...]
julia> pl = Either(1=>FlipX(), 1=>FlipY(), 2=>NoOp()) |>
Rotate(0:360) |>
ShearX(-5:5) * ShearY(-5:5) |>
CropSize(165, 165) |>
Zoom(1:0.05:1.2) |>
Resize(64, 64)
# 6-step Augmentor.ImmutablePipeline:
# 1.) Either: (25%) Flip the X axis. (25%) Flip the Y axis. (50%) No operation.
# 2.) Rotate by θ ∈ 0:360 degree
# 3.) Either: (50%) ShearX by ϕ ∈ -5:5 degree. (50%) ShearY by ψ ∈ -5:5 degree.
# 4.) Crop a 165×165 window around the center
# 5.) Zoom by I ∈ {1.0×1.0, 1.05×1.05, 1.1×1.1, 1.15×1.15, 1.2×1.2}
# 6.) Resize to 64×64
julia> img_new = augment(img, pl)
# 64×64 Array{RGB{N0f8},2}:
# [...]
The function augment
will generate a single augmented image
from the given input image and pipeline. To visualize the effect
we compiled a few resulting output images into a GIF using the
plotting library
Plots.jl with the
PyPlot.jl back-end. The
code that generated the two figures below can be found
Input (img ) |
Output (img_new ) |
![]() |
→ | ![]() |
While we just used a small preview image in the above example
(note the term "thumbnail" in the code), it is already possible
to observe Augmentor's behaviour when comparing the memory
footprint of augment
to a simple copy
of the original.
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime augment($img, $pl);
312.121 μs (150 allocations: 22.47 KiB)
julia> @btime copy($img);
5.866 μs (2 allocations: 126.83 KiB)
Note how the whole process for producing an augmented version
of img
allocates less memory than a simple unaltered copy
the original. The reason for this is that the output image
is smaller than the input image img
. Augmentor tries
to compose all operations of the pipeline into one single
function, which it then queries for each individual pixel in the
output image. In general this means that the memory footprint
and the runtime depends on the size of the output image.
To take the output-dependent behaviour to its extreme, consider
the full sized version of the above thumbnail, which is about 80
MiB in uncompressed size. We will modify our pipeline slightly and
insert a Scale
operation as the fourth step. Doing this will
cause augment
to produce a similar looking output as in our
original example.
julia> img_big = get(ImageDownloadRequest(id = "5592ac599fc3c13155a57a85"))
# 4399×6628 Array{RGB{N0f8},2}:
# [...]
julia> pl_big = Either(1=>FlipX(), 1=>FlipY(), 2=>NoOp()) |>
Rotate(0:360) |>
ShearX(-5:5) * ShearY(-5:5) |>
Scale(0.05) |> # NEW
CropSize(165, 165) |>
Zoom(1:0.05:1.2) |>
Resize(64, 64);
julia> img_new = augment(img_big, pl_big)
# 64×64 Array{RGB{N0f8},2}:
# [...]
julia> @btime augment($img_big, $pl_big);
333.493 μs (152 allocations: 22.64 KiB)
As we can see the allocated memory did not change notably.
Furthermore, it is worth pointing out explicitly how we added the
operation as the fourth step in the pipeline and not the
first. This highlights how the operations aren't just applied
naively one after the other, but instead combined intelligently
before ever computing a single pixel.
Aside from the memory requirement we can also measure how the execution time remains approximately constant, even though the image is significantly larger and we added an additional operation to the pipeline.
julia> @btime augment($img, $pl); # small image
312.610 μs (150 allocations: 22.47 KiB)
julia> @btime augment($img_big, $pl_big); # big image
335.518 μs (152 allocations: 22.64 KiB)
julia> @btime copy($img_big); # simple memory copy
18.304 ms (2 allocations: 83.42 MiB)
To be fair, the way we aggressively downscaled the large image in this example was rather untypical, because doing it this way would cause aliasing effects that may not be tolerable (although for this particular image these weren't that bad). The point of this example was to convey an intuition of how Augmentor works.
shell> date
Thu Jun 22 11:31:24 CEST 2017
shell> git show --oneline -s
6086196 drop 0.5 support
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 0.6.1-pre.0
Commit dcf39a1 (2017-06-19 13:06 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v3 @ 3.50GHz
LAPACK: libopenblas64_
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)
Images are a special class of data that have some interesting properties in respect to their structure. For example do the dimensions of an image (i.e. the pixel) exhibit a spatial relationship to each other. As such, a lot of commonly used augmentation strategies for image data revolve around affine transformations, such as translations or rotations.
Augmentor ships with a number of predefined operations that should be sufficient to describe some of the most commonly used augmentation strategies. Each operation is a represented as its own unique type (see table below for a concise overview). For a more detailed description of all the predefined operations take a look at the corresponding section of the documentation.
Category | Operation | Preview | Description |
Mirroring: | FlipX |
Reverse the order of each pixel row. | |
FlipY |
Reverse the order of each pixel column. | ||
Rotating: | Rotate90 |
Rotate upwards 90 degree. | |
Rotate270 |
Rotate downwards 90 degree. | ||
Rotate180 |
Rotate 180 degree. | ||
Rotate |
Rotate for any arbitrary angle(s). | ||
Shearing: | ShearX |
Shear horizontally for the given degree(s). | |
ShearY |
Shear vertically for the given degree(s). | ||
Resizing: | Scale |
Scale X and Y axis by some (random) factor(s). | |
Zoom |
Scale X and Y axis while preserving image size. | ||
Resize |
Resize image to the specified pixel dimensions. | ||
Distorting: | ElasticDistortion |
Displace image with a smoothed random vector field. | |
Cropping: | Crop |
Crop specific region of the image. | |
CropNative |
Crop specific region of the image in relative space. | ||
CropSize |
Crop area around the center with specified size. | ||
CropRatio |
Crop to specified aspect ratio. | ||
RCropRatio |
Crop random window of specified aspect ratio. | ||
Conversion: | ConvertEltype |
Convert the array elements to the given type. | |
Mapping: | MapFun |
- | Map custom function over image |
AggregateThenMapFun |
- | Map aggregated value over image | |
Layout: | SplitChannels |
- | Separate the color channels into a dedicated array dimension. |
CombineChannels |
- | Collapse the first dimension into a specific colorant. | |
PermuteDims |
- | Reorganize the array dimensions into a specific order. | |
Reshape |
- | Change or reinterpret the shape of the array. | |
Utilities: | NoOp |
Identity function. Pass image along unchanged. | |
CacheImage |
- | Buffer the current image into (preallocated) memory. | |
Either |
- | Apply one of the given operations at random. |
The purpose of an operation is to simply serve as a "dumb placeholder" to specify the intent and parameters of the desired transformation. What that means is that a pipeline of operations can be thought of as a list of instructions (a cookbook of sorts), that Augmentor uses internally to construct the required code that implements the desired behaviour in the most efficient way it can.
The way an operation is implemented depends on the rest of the
specified pipeline. For example, Augmentor knows three different
ways to implement the behaviour of the operation Rotate90
will choose the one that best coincides with the other operations
of the pipeline and their concrete order.
Call the function
of Julia's base library, which makes use of the fact that a 90 degree rotation can be implemented very efficiently. While by itself this is the fastest way to compute the result, this function is "eager" and will allocate a new array. IfRotate90
is followed by another operation this may not be the best choice, since it will cause a temporary image that is later discarded. -
Create a
of aPermutedDimsArray
. This is more or less a lazy version ofrotl90
that makes use of the fact that a 90 degree rotation can be described 1-to-1 using just the original pixels. By itself this strategy is slower thanrotl90
, but if it is followed by an operation such asCrop
it can be significantly faster. The reason for this is that it avoids the computation of unused pixels and also any allocation of temporary memory. The computation overhead per output pixel, while small, grows linearly with the number of chained operations. -
Create an
using a rotation matrix that describes a 90 degree rotation around the center of the image. This will result in a lazy transformation of the original image that is further compose-able with otherAffineMap
. This is the slowest available strategy, unless multiple affine operations are chained together. If that is the case, then chaining the operations can be reduced to composing the tiny affine maps instead. This effectively fuses multiple operations into a single operation for which the computation overhead per output pixel remains approximately constant in respect to the number of chained operations.
For a more detailed treatment check out the latest documentation.
Additionally, you can make use of Julia's native docsystem.
The following example shows how to get additional information
on augment
within Julia's REPL:
To install Augmentor.jl
, start up Julia and type the following
code snipped into the REPL. It makes use of the native Julia
package manager. Once installed the Augmentor package can be
imported just as any other Julia package.
import Pkg
using Augmentor
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.
If you use Augmentor for academic research and wish to cite it, please use the following paper.
Marcus D. Bloice, Christof Stocker, and Andreas Holzinger, Augmentor: An Image Augmentation Library for Machine Learning, arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.04680, https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.04680, 2017.
This package makes heavy use of the following packages in order to provide it's main functionality. To see at full list of utilized packages, please take a look at the REQUIRE file.
- FugroRoames/CoordinateTransformations.jl
- JuliaImages/ImageTransformations.jl
- JuliaMath/Interpolations.jl
- JuliaArrays/IdentityRanges.jl
Note that this version Augmentor.jl
is a complete rewrite of an
initial implementation that had the same name. The old
implementation is now located at