Example app to send pictures to Tonki app
Sending picture from your app to Tonki is easy. Just copy the picure (or pictures) to the clipboard and open the tonki url :
- or -
The partner code is assigned by Tonki.com and allows to be credited for the Tonki pictures bought with images coming from your application
Just download the project, open SendToTonki.xcproject and run it on a device with Tonki app installed ( https://geo.itunes.apple.com/it/app/tonki.com/id964498250?mt=8 ).
To be sure that the Tonki app is installed on the user's phone, you can with canOpenUrl method
JPEG ang PNG are both valid but JPEG is preferred to minimize speed and memory issues
Since the image is copied in the clipboard, reducing the image size is a good thing. Keep the resolution under 2048x2048. Tonki images are 1024x1024 but a larger image can enable the user to zoom and pan.
If you see this message in the logs:
canOpenURL: failed for URL: "tonki://" - error: "This app is not allowed to query for scheme tonki"
you need to decalre in Info.plist the tonki:// scheme
Just add an array named LSApplicationQueriesSchemes with an element with value tonki
- website: http://www.tonki.com
- iTunes app: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/it/app/tonki.com/id964498250?mt=8