CRUD application for users with the following stack:
Kotlin (+ Ktor framework)
jasync-SQL (DB Driver)
Angular 11
Angular Material
Cloud Run (Containerization)
Secret Manager (for secure secrets/env vars)
Cloud SQL (Database server)
Docker containers
Make sure you have Git, Docker, Docker Compose installed and running
Clone this git repository
git clone
In the git repository, run this command to build and run all containers in the project.
docker-compose up -d
This will boot up three containers:
- itjuana-db (MySQL DB) Local port: 3310 Docker port:3306
- itjuana-client (Angular served via Node.js/nginx) Local port: 4200 Docker port: 4200
- itjuana-backend (Kotlin + Ktor framework built via Gradle) Local port: 8081 Docker port: 8080
You can open the front-end application on localhost:4200 or send API requests manually to the backend at localhost:8081