ArkusNexus LionDesk Prework
Implement a demo CRUD App to practice and start working with the tech stack that we will be using on the project as well as a team warm-up.
Screens :
- Contact List
- Contact Detail (Router link)
- Add/Edit Contact (Modal popup)
- Delete Confirmation (Modal popup)
Contact Interface:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Profile Picture (Image Upload)
- --** Back-end:**
Cannot add more than one contact with the same email address.
- --** Front-end:**
First name and last name: No more than 250 characters.
Email: Email format, no more than 256 characters.
Phone Number: Apply phone number mask. (000) 000 00 00
Picture: File size not greater than 20mb.
Tech stack:
Node.js (Express)
Sequelize ORM
MySQL (mysql2)