An Android library for creating custom onboarding overlays.
Beware! This project is in an early development stage. Any public methods and behaviors are subject to change.
OnboardingLayout is published on JCenter. Make sure it is included in your project level build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
Then add the dependency in your module level build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'se.mattec:onboardinglayout:0.0.2'
Wrap the content you wish to onboard in an OnboardingLayout. This is essentially a FrameLayout.
<!-- Insert your views here! -->
Onboarding screens are created using Onboard
.in(mOnboardingLayout) //Specify in which view to display the onboarding.
.withText("Look at this cool feature") //Add an onboarding element.
.below(mViewToShowcase) //Specify the onboarding element placement.
//Add more onboarding elements here!
Overlay background color, text color and border color are specified globally.
withOverlayColor(int backgroundColorResourceId)
withTextColor(int textColorResourceId)
withBorderColor(int borderColorResourceId)
withButtonTextColor(int buttonTextColorResourceId)
withButtonBackgroundColor(int buttonBackgroundColorResourceId)
It is possible to set your own click listener to the onboarding overlay by using setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener onClickListener)
For closing the onboarding overlay on click, use clearOnClick(boolean animate)
The following onboarding element types are available.
withText(String text)
- above
- below
- toLeftOf
- toRightOf
withTextAndArrow(String text, ArrowLocation arrowLocation)
- above
- below
- toLeftOf
- toRightOf
Depending on the placement, different arrow locations are available. Illegal combinations will cause an exception.
- above, below (placements)
- left, right, middle (arrow locations)
- left, right
- above, below
withBorder(boolean isCircular)
withDashedBorder(boolean isCircular)
- around
withHole(boolean isCircular)
- around
withImage(int imageResourceId)
- above
- below
- toLeftOf
- toRightOf
- atop
withButton(String text, View.OnClickListener onClickListener)
- above
- below
- toLeftOf
- toRightOf
A sample application is provided in /sample.
APK to be provided.
Copyright 2016 Mattias Cederlund
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.