Applicant: Matheus Marques
The app is available for preview at
- Backend
- API: using AWS AppSync
- Database: Dynamodb
- Infra-as-code: CloudFormation
- Lambda function using node.js
- Frontend
- React with Typescript
- ESLint to avoid common problems
- Prettier to enforce a consistent style
- Husky to implement git-hooks (pre-commit/pre-push)
- Testing library to make component tests
- Cypress to make page tests
- components: Generic compoents
- contexts: Generic contexts
- domains: Application domains (domain driven design approach )
- hooks: Generic hooks
- infra: Layer which communicate with external services
- pages: Core pages
- styles: General styles
- utils: Util functions
- Improve accessibility (I didn't have time to use a screen reader).
- Make more component tests.
- Improve my cypress tests and add more tests. (separate some test actions in commands)
- Include Visual Tests with storybook.
- Improve storybook with more dynamic options.
- The API should follow typical GraphQL API design pattern
- The data should be saved in the DB
- Proper error handling should be used
- Paginating and filtering (by name) users list
- [x] Use AWS AppSync (preferred) or AWS Lambda + API Gateway approach (Used AWS AppSync) - [x] Use any AWS Database-as-a-Service persistence store. DynamoDB is preferred. (Used DynamoDB) - [x] Write concise and clear commit messages (Sometimes not too clear, sorry) - [x] Write clear documentation on how it has been designed and how to run the code (How to run is inside README of superformula-frontend) - [x] Add a Query to fetch location information based off the user's address (use NASA or Mapbox APIs); use AWS Lambda (Used Mapbox)
1. [x] Use Infrastructure-as-code tooling that can be used to deploy all resources to an AWS account. Examples: CloudFormation / SAM, Terraform, Serverless Framework, etc. (I used AWS Amplify that use CloudFormation) 1. [ ] Provide proper unit tests (I didn't have time) 1. Providing an online demo is welcomed, but not required (Graphql API) 1. [x] Delete user functionality 1. [x] Bundle npm modules into your Lambdas (I just have one lambda with npm modules)
- [] Describe your strategy for Lambda error handling, retries, and DLQs - [] Describe your cloud-native logging, monitoring, and alarming strategy across all queries/mutations
- The search functionality should perform real time filtering on client side data and API side data (I filtered on server-side)
- List of users should be updated automatically after single user is updated
- Create modal from scratch - please don't use any library for it
- Appear/Disappear of modal should be animated (feel free with choose how) (Only appear animation)
- Infinite loading state should be saved in url query (pagination state should be present in URL query (eg ?page=1) to allow for behavior where the user can reload the page while still returning to their current scroll position)
- Write clear documentation on how the app was designed and how to run the code
- Providing an online demo is welcomed, but not required.
- Provide a description of how you approach mobile friendly apps (what do you use, how)
- Write concise and clear commit messages. (Sometimes not too clear, sorry)
- Provide components in Storybook with tests.
- Include subtle animations to focus attention (Only simple transitions animations)
- Describe optimization opportunities when you conclude
- Map with user location should update async - when user changes "location" field (feel free to choose MAPS service e.g. GoogleMaps, OpenStreetMap) (Used Mapbox)
- Handle server errors
- Handle loading states
- [] Delete user functionality (I didn't have time)