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2022 09 22 Meeting

affeldt-aist edited this page Sep 22, 2022 · 1 revision

Participants: Affeldt, Cohen, Roux, Stone

  • port to HB #698

    • in topology.v:
      • find a way to port Definition product_topologicalType
        • does not seem to require any special technique, should be a standard approach, i.e., define a symbol product_... which is a Type that is endowed with a canonical structure, etc.
        • TODO: Reynald to investigate in October
      • non forgetful inheritance warning at line 3840
        • is it related to the fact that the uniform topology does not depend on the topology of the domain?
          • maybe no
        • actually, this should be an error
        • isSource was never intended to be a structure, it was a technical artifact
          • rule of thumb: ignore the warning and leave an issue?
        • TODO: Cyril to investigate
      • Section RestrictedUniformTopology.: might be connect to the non forgetful inheritance warning
      • uniform_limit_continuous and another one: ...
    • in normedtype.v: depends on product topology
  • split packages classical #600 (this seems mostly ready, just waiting to happen)

    • should be top priority
    • we have added the split in nix and this should indeed be done first, the opam sync is easier
    • PR not yet reviewed
    • What do you do when the version is too low for the classical package to exist?
    • this PR is orthogonal to the one HB but it might have a big impact
    • TODO: merge what we have ASAP and try to improve later
  • PRs:

      • easy one
      • NB: no unfold before an intro
      • more interesting
      • problem with R and \bar R: we want both theories for integral in R and in \bar R
      • go to Bochner integral and integral on R would be Bochner1?
      • using a different notation would also make sense
      • Rintegral is transitory and only exist because we do not have Bochner
        • notation in ring_scope following the pattern for `| ... |
      • Bochner needs a notion of dual space
        • definition via a canonical embedding into a dual space
        • we were waiting for HB to do that
      • report a curiousness about a need to a structure whereas the mixin only is needed
      • Cyril:
        • generalize [0,1] in IsPath
        • definition of path is not the right one
        • composition of paths is not associative
        • define path as a quotient up to remapping
      • use generic_quotient with same_path_component to define the equivalence relation
          1. reparametrization is an equivalence relation
          1. use that to build the canonical surjection
          1. define paths as point in the range of that space
      • TODO: redefine paths
        • Cyril: some proofs might shrink
      • uniform space respected uniform and weak topology
      • Cyril to review?
      • not worth merging now