A simple front-end parameters manager for specifying global script parameters.
Include params.js
in the page and initialize a Params object. Or, include the
HTML fragment, which initializes a Params instance
under window.params
. (It’s also slightly smaller, omitting features that
are unnecessary if there‘s only one instance.)
params = new Params()
Set a parameter:
> params.set('eggs', 'green')
> params.set('enabled', true).set('inactive', false).set('name', 'Basil')
Get a parameter:
> params.eggs 'green'
Override a parameter:
> params.set('eggs', 'blue') ! Param 'eggs' overridden (`green` with `blue`) > params.eggs 'blue'
Set nested parameters:
> params.set('urls.static', '/static/') > params.set('urls.media', '/media/') > params.urls { static: '/static/', media: '/media/' } > params.urls.static '/static/' > params.set('a.b.c', true) > params.a.b.c true
Push a parameter:
> params.push('options', 'editable') > params.push('options', 'fancy') > params.push('options', 'pants') > params.options ['editable', 'fancy', 'pants']
Push a parameter:
> params.push('config.editor', 'title') > params.push('config.editor', 'cover') > params.config.editor ['title', 'cover']
Get all parameters:
> params.getAll() { eggs: 'blue', enabled: true, inactive: false, name: 'Basil', urls: { static: '/static/', media: '/media/' }, a: { b: { c: true } }, config: { editor: ['title', 'cover'] }, options: ['editable', 'fancy', 'pants'] }
Prevent parameter overriding:
> strict_params = new Params({ strict: true }) > strict_params.set('only_set_once', true) > strict_params.set('only_set_once', 'fails') Error: Param 'only_set_once' was already set with `true` > strict_params.only_set_once true
Set and unescape a parameter:
> params.setUnescaped('title', 'Green Eggs & Ham') > params.title 'Green Eggs & Ham'
Push and unescape a parameter:
> params.pushUnescaped('tags', '<br>').pushUnescaped('tags', '<p>') > params.tags ['<br>', '<p>']
Push an object with escaped values, using unescape function:
> params.push('stories', { title: params.unescape('X&Y') }) > params.stories [{ title: 'X&Y' }]