- Introduction
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- Cyber Security Resources
- Other Interesting Stuff
Hacking without authorisation is illegal. In the United Kingdom, it is illegal under the Computer Misuse Act 1990
Links to these materials are provided for reference only. We are not responsible for your use of resources and you should seek permission before performing testing or exploitation on systems not owned by yourself.
- Dark Reading - Cyber Security News.
- Data Breach Today - Data Breach News.
- Help Net Security - Cyber Security News.
- Hackaday - New hacks every day & interesting projects.
- Pentestlab
- Securityaffairs - Blog of Pierluigi Paganini.
- Schneier On Security - Blog of Bruce Schneier, "public interest technologist".
- CryptoRom Bitcoin swindlers continue to target vulnerable iPhone and Android users
- Hackersploit (Youtube Channel)
- Capture the Flag Playlist.
- Metasploit Introduction Playlist.
- Ethical Hacking Introduction Playlist.
- Python3 for Penetration Testing Playlist
- TryHackMe - is an online platform for learning cyber security, using hands-on exercises and labs!
- Awesome OSINT - List of OSINT Tools and resources
- University of Maryland - Hardware Security
- University of Maryland - Software Security
- University of Maryland - Usable Security
- GFTOBins - a curated list of Unix binaries that can be used to bypass local security restrictions in misconfigured systems.
- LOLBAS - Living off the land binaries, scripts and libraries.
- Attack Navigator - Provides basic navigation and annotation of ATT&CK matrices.
- iOS Hacking - A beginner's guide to Hacking iOS Apps [2022 Edition]
- Live reverse engineering of a trojanised medical app - Android/Joker
- The State of Stalkerware (2021)
- Mobile MitM: Intercepting Your Android App Traffic On the Go
- 2022 Mobile Threat Landscape
- Bluetooth Signals can be used to identify and track smartphones
- How I reversed a NodeJS malware and found the author
- Data Breaches - Guidance for individuals and families
- Hunchly - The Only Web Capture Tool Designed For Online Investigations.
- Have I Been Pwned
- Authy
- GCHQ Cyberchef
- DuckDuckGo Smarter Encryption
- Privacy Tools
- Syclla.sh - community-oriented database leak community that is a useful tool for security researchers.
- h8mail - Email OSINT & Password breach hunting tool, locally or using premium services. Supports chasing down related email
- Wireshark Packet Analysis
- SSL Labs - Test the HTTPS configuration of your web server online
- testssl.sh - TLS configuration tester like SSL Labs, but runs locally
- Beetlebug - Beetlebug is a beginner-friendly Capture the Flag Android application that aims to inspire interest in Mobile Application Security.
- PiRogue - an open-source tool suite that provides a comprehensive mobile forensic and network traffic analysis.
- CIS Benchmarking - Benchmarking tools to protect your environment
- Cyber Essentials Certificaton
- Infosec Institute - Info sec best practices & updates.
- ISO - ISO/IEC 27001 — Information security management
These resources have not been tested and are from unverified developers. We list them to showcase what is available in the wild and for code comparison only. We do not endorse using or recommend executing any of the code.
- Smali2Frida - Genarate Frida Hooks from .smali files.
- Native2Frida - Generate Frida Script for All Functions which have Char as argument or return type as char
- desc_race - iOS 15.1 kernel exploit POC for CVE-2021-30955
- Misc Code - Various scripts, reverse engineering tools, sensor tools, worms.
- DirtyPipe-Android
- RIUS - RTLO Injection URI Spoofing CVE-2020-20093; 20094; 20095; 20096, 2022-28345
- Anti-Frida
- FunctionStomping - a brand-new technique for shellcode injection to evade AVs and EDRs.
- Yes, I can connect to a Db in CSS
- 9.1 Github Repo
- 9.2 sqlcss.xyz
- Botnets - A collection of botnet source codes.