Recurrent functions which use the Hilbert, Peano and Z curves to fill squares of many
In this repo is one recursive funtion:
it can break down from any dxd square which is able to be break down in 2x2 and 3x3 bases.
Thus everything which does not break down to 5x5 or 7x7 using 2x2 and 3x3 patterns!
it has an asymetric
$ bin/print_2d_curves
Welcome to the 2D space filling curves!
This is a demo outputting a 2D map of the indices.
But caution, those functions currently only support 2^n and 3^n elements sqare areas!
And keep in mind that large matrices couldn't be displayed here!
Please input you desired side length: 12
Do you want to run the verb ose mode?
Hilbert-Peano map:
47 48 49 58 59 60 83 84 85 94 95 96
46 51 50 57 56 61 82 87 86 93 92 97
45 52 53 54 55 62 81 88 89 90 91 98
44 43 42 65 64 63 80 79 78 101 100 99
37 38 41 66 69 70 73 74 77 102 105 106
36 39 40 67 68 71 72 75 76 103 104 107
35 34 27 26 25 24 119 118 117 116 109 108
32 33 28 19 20 23 120 123 124 115 110 111
31 30 29 18 21 22 121 122 125 114 113 112
4 5 6 17 14 13 130 129 126 137 138 139
3 2 7 16 15 12 131 128 127 136 141 140
0 1 8 9 10 11 132 133 134 135 142 143
You need flags -lgsl
, -lgslcblas
and -lm
can be ignored in Windows MinGW x64/x84 compiler).
Example for the matrix print:
$ gcc src/print_2d_curves.c src/helpers_2d.c src/hilbert_peano.c -o bin/print_2d_curves -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
*1: WARNING: This type of mappings is rare for deep learning image recognition tasks and does probably not work on pretrained networks, since they are most of the time either convolutional and/or in some kind of sense trained on a simple stack reshape of the input images.