Tiny Java app that meshes a UniFi UDM uplink IP with AWS Route 53 DNS.
This app consumes the UniFi controller API to discover the public facing WAN-uplink IP of my UDM. Then, it updates a DNS record at AWS Route 53 with the corresponding IP. This ensures that my WAN uplink and DNS records stay in sync, so that anytime my ISP issued IP address changes the corresponding DNS record(s) are automatically updated at AWS Route 53.
Run the app by invoking:
java -Dconfig.file=/path/to/your/beacon.conf -jar dist/beacon-0.1-runnable.jar
Once running, hit the tiny web-server at http://localhost:8080/beacon and enjoy!
Beacon is configured with HOCON using lightbend/config.
In development, you should create a ~/beacon-dev.conf
file with the following contents:
include "application"
beacon {
context-path = "/beacon"
base-uri = "http://localhost:8080"
dev-mode = true
udm {
api-base-url = "https://[YOUR CONTROLLER HOSTNAME OR IP HERE]"
api-client-timeout = 10s
aws {
access-key = "[YOUR AWS ACCESS KEY HERE]"
secret-key = "[YOUR AWS SECRET KEY HERE]"
route-53 {
region = "us-east-1"
hosted-zone-id = "[ROUTE 53 HOSTED ZONE ID TO UPDATE HERE]"
resource-record-upsert-name = "[RECORD TO UDPATE HERE]"
resource-record-upsert-ttl = 30m
quartz {
thread-pool {
size = 1
use-daemons = true
// Run every 15-minutes
cron-expression = "0 0/15 * 1/1 * ? *"
When running Beacon locally, specify your configuration file by passing a -Dconfig.file
system property on the command line:
java -Dconfig.file=/path/to/your/beacon.conf -jar dist/beacon-0.1-runnable.jar
Copyright (c) 2024 Mark S. Kolich.
All code in this project is freely available for use and redistribution under the MIT License.
See LICENSE for details.