The Project is an attempt to automate the GA Analytics Audit at Marketlytics using Google Core Reporting and Management APIs. This is only a proof of concpept for a larger, more detailed web-based app.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Install the python client for Google API using pip
$ pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
Create an App on Google Cloud using the following link (assuming you already have a Google account)
Enable the 'Google Analytics API' and 'Google Analytics Reporting API' form the Google API console
Create 'OAuth client ID' Credentials from the Credentials section of the Google API console, in the Application type choose 'Other'
Download the clinet_secret JSON file of the created credential
Clone the code to your local repository
Give the client secrets path in the right variable
CLIENT_SECRETS_PATH = 'client_secrets.json' #Path to client_secrets.json file
From your Google Analytics Account, find the IDs required for the application to function
VIEW_ID = '88888888' #8 digit View ID ACCOUNT_ID = '88888888' #8 digit Account ID WEB_PROPERTY_ID = 'UA-88888888-9' #9 digit Web Property ID
Test the program by running the following code from the terminal