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Formik TypeScript UI

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Formik TypeScript UI, contains simple HTML form fields wrapped with Formik and written in TypeScript.


npm install --save formik_typescript_ui



The CheckboxField component renders a simple HTML <input> of the type checkbox and its respective <label>.


Name Type Default Value Description
className string null Adds a custom class to the <input> element
classNameLabel string null Adds a custom class to the <label> element
disabled boolean false Disables the <input> element
id string null Sets an id for the <input> element. If not specified, the name would be used instead
label string required Sets the text for the <label> element
labelStyle object {} Adds custom inline style to the <label> element
name string required Sets the name of the <input> element
style object {} Adds custom inline style to the <input> element


The CheckboxGroup component renders a list of <CheckboxField /> from the given options.


interface CheckOptionType {
  id?: string;
  label: string;
  name: string;


Name Type Default Value Description
className string null Adds a custom class to each <input> element
classNameLabel string null Adds a custom class to each <label> element
labelStyle object {} Adds custom inline style to each <label> element
options CheckOptionType[] required Sets the required props for the <CheckboxField /> components
style object {} Adds custom inline style to each <input> element


The DatePickerField component renders a simple HTML <input> of the type date.


Name Type Default Value Description
className string null Adds a custom class to the <input> element
disabled boolean false Disables the <input> element
id string null Sets an id for the <input> element. If not specified, the name would be used instead
maxDate string null Sets the maximun date that can be selected. If not in the correct format AAAA-MM-DD, this validation won't have any effects
minDate string null Sets the minimun date that can be selected. If not in the correct formar AAAA-MM-DD, this validation won't have any effects
name string required Sets the name of the <input> element
style object {} Adds custom inline style to the <input> element


The RadioButtonField component renders a simple HTML <input> of the type radio and its respective <label>.


Name Type Default Value Description
className string null Adds a custom class to the <input> element
classNameLabel string null Adds a custom class to the <label> element
disabled boolean false Disables the <input> element
id string required Sets an id for the <input> element
label string null Sets the text for the <label> element
labelStyle object {} Adds custom inline style to the <label> element
name string required Sets the name of the <input> element
style object {} Adds custom inline style to the <input> element


The RadioButtonGroup component renders a list of <RadioButtonField /> from the given options.


interface RadioOptionType {
  id: string;
  label: string;


Name Type Default Value Description
className string null Adds a custom class to each <input> element
classNameLabel string null Adds a custom class to each <label> element
labelStyle object {} Adds custom inline style to each <label> element
name string required Sets the name for all the <input> elements
options RadioOptionType[] required Sets the required props for the <RadioButtonField /> components
style object {} Adds custom inline style to each <input> element


The SelectField component uses react-select to render the select element and it's respective options. For more information on the react-select library, click here.


interface OptionType {
  label: string;
  value: string;


Name Type Default Value Description
autofocus boolean false Sets wether the control is focused or not when the component is mounted
className string null Adds a custom class to the <Select /> component
id string null Sets an id for the <SelectContainer />. If not specified, the name would be used instead
isDisabled boolean false Sets wether the <Select /> is disabled or not
isLoading boolean false Sets wether the <Select /> is loading its content (asynchronous) or not
isMulti boolean false Sets wether the <Select /> allows for multiple selection or not
isSearchable boolean false Sets wether the options can be searched or not
name string required Sets the name for the <input> element
options OptionType[] required Sets the options for the <Select /> component
placeholder string null Sets the placeholder for the <input> element
style object {} Style modifier methods as described on react-select docs


The TagsInputField component uses react-tagsinput to render the input element and it's respective tags. For more information on the react-tagsinput library, click here.


The InputProps, can be exported from the react-tagsinput library or defined as follows:

interface InputProps {
  className: string;
  placeholder: string;

Default values for inputProps:

const defaultInputProps: InputProps = {
  className: 'react-tagsinput-input',
  placeholder: 'Add a tag',


The PasteSplit type, can be defined as follows:

  type PasteSplit = (text: string) => string[];
  const defaultPasteSplit: PasteSplit = (text: string) => (
    text.split(' ').map(word => word.trim());


The TagProps, can be exported from the react-tagsinput library or defined as follows:

interface TagProps {
  className: string;
  classNameRemove: string;

Default values for tagProps:

const defaultTagProps: TagProps = {
  className: 'react-tagsinput-tag',
  classNameRemove: 'react-tagsinput-remove',


Name Type Default Value Description
addOnBlur boolean false Adds a tag on the input blur event
addOnPaste boolean false Adds a tag on HTML5 paste
className string react-tagsinput Adds a custom class to the component's wrapper
disabled boolean false Disables the <input> element
focusedClassName string react-tagsinput--focused Adds a custom class to the component's wrapper when it's focused
inputProps InputProps defaultInputProps Props passed down to the <input> element
maxTags number -1 Sets a maximum amount of tags. Use -1 for infinite tags
name string required Sets the name for the component
pasteSplit PasteSplit defaultPasteSplit Function that splits the pasted text
tagProps TagProps defaultTagProps Props passed down to every tag component


The TextareaField component renders a simple HTML <textarea>.


Name Type Default Value Description
className string null Adds a custom class to the <textarea> element
disabled boolean false Disables the <textarea> element
id string null Sets an id for the <textarea> element. If not specified, the name would be used instead
name string required Sets the name for the <textarea> element
placeholder string null Sets the placeholder for the <textarea> element
style object {} Adds custom inline style to the <textarea> element


The TextField component renders a simple HTML <input>.


type OnChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
type OnInput = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
type RefType = string | ((instance: HTMLInputElement | null) => void) | React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement> | null | undefined;
Name Type Default Value Description
className string null Adds a custom class to the <input> element
disabled boolean false Disables the <input> element
forwardRef RefType undefined Sets a ref for the <input> element.
id string null Sets an id for the <input> element. If not specified, the name would be used instead
name string required Sets the name for the <input> element
max number undefined Sets the max for the <input> element
maxLength number undefined Sets the maxLength for the <input>
min number undefined Sets the min for the <input> element
minLength number undefined Sets the minLength for the <input> element
onChange OnChange undefined Sets the onChange function for the <input> element. When undefined, it takes the formik field default onChange function.
onInput OnInput undefined Sets the onInput function for the <input> element
onKeyDown OnKeyDown undefined Sets the onKeyDown function for the <input> element
pattern string undefined Sets the pattern for the <input> element
placeholder string null Sets the placeholder for the <input> element
style object {} Adds custom inline style to the <input> element
type string 'text' HTML types: text, email, password and number


MIT © Romina Manzano


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  • TypeScript 90.0%
  • HTML 10.0%