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My dotfiles to set up a dev environment on my MacOS machine (should also work with any Nix).
- installs all the packages and apps
- sets MacOS preferences
- chezmoi manages dotfiles
Theme: 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭
Everforest Collection for other apps.
Main apps:
- Text Editor: LazyVim
- Resource mon: btop
- Music: SoundCloud with Nuage
- Terminal: WezTerm + KevinSilvester (check key bindings)
For more details check the apps script.
All CLI apps are listed in the packages script.
CLIs from other sources like cargo
, go
or nvm
are listed in cli script.
Please review the scripts and packages that are installed before running the install script.
- install xCode Command Line Tools
xcode-select --install && sudo xcodebuild -license accept
- install brew
- install chezmoi
- fork this repo and
chezmoi init --apply $GITHUB_USERNAME
In order to reuse these scripts, here a summary of files you can change/adapt to your needs:
: all thehomebrew
taps and packages to install.env_setup/scripts/fonts.sh
fonts to install.env_setup/scripts/apps.sh
casks and App Store apps to install.env_setup/scripts/cli.sh
: CLI apps from different sources.env_setup/scripts/osx.sh
: MacOS settings.env_setup/scripts/config.sh
: general settings and dotfiles
- chezmoi.nvim configuration
Licensed under MIT, © Marek Kaczkowski 2025: https://onrel.com