Scrambl is a scala + libgdx playground and game engine stub.
It runs on android, windows, linux and mac (probably). IOS should not be too hard to support.
Cool features: 2D hexagonal grid, customizable opengl shaders, flake generation algorithm.
To build, the following are required:
Java 7
ANDROID_HOME env var set. It needs only be properly set if actually building for android; otherwise any value will do.
Run on desktop: sbt desktop/run
Run on plugged android device: sbt android/start
Package desktop (cross platform) app: sbt assembly
Package android app: sbt android/package
Several mains are available to run on desktop:
Roaming: the only 'completed' game. It implements the simplest gameplay (build a flake), intended as a proof of concept. It's the application actually packed in the android builds.
Main: the original 'scrambl' game, left as stub for now, where a flake is scrambled and must be repaired.
Flake explorer: a tool to test renderings and flake generation. Commands: TAB to toggle the gui, SPACE to regenerate flake, RIGHT and LEFT to navigate through predefined renderings, R to randomize rendering.
Usual sbt commands "sbt gen-idea" and "eclipse" should work fine.
Improve test coverage.
Try scala improved collections such as Scalaxy or Scala Blitz.
Allow for full customization of renderings in "flake explorer", with export.
Allow import of custom renderings and flakes.
Add sounds, in the spirit of the tone matrix, each step of a flake having its tone, a dying branch making dissonant sounds.
Add a leader board and difficulty levels.
Deploy to app store?
Port engine to javascript/webgl.
Unless specified otherwise, all code in this repo is available under the GPLv3