Currently has to be ran from its place. This is a self contained script as can be.
Python >= 3.3
The config file is mandatory.
File must be named run_backup.rc and can exist in any xdg config dirs, or in the user's home.
If not found, the exe will tell you where it looked for it.
mailto[email protected]
mailfrom[email protected]
An optional timeout can be specified in seconds. After this time, rsync will receive SIGINT.
Logs are stored in the directory you specify, under a directory hierarchy of YYYY/MM/DD/hh_mm_ss.microseconds
If there is no mailto in 'main_backup', no mail will be sent.
the title of the mail looks like:
[time expired] backup of on /mirror/of/dir/
Possible statuses:
- success
- failure (non 0 code for rsync)
- time expired
- Simple packaging
- Support command line options.
- Support several backups at the same time.