This is For [InClass Prediction Competition]([]
- the goal was to predict predict the type of each bean out of 7 bean types in this dataset.
- You are provided a set of features extracted from the shape of the beans in images
- train.csv - the training set.
- test.csv - the test set.
- sample_submission.csv - a sample submission file in the correct format
- ID - an ID for this instance
- Area - (A), The area of a bean zone and the number of pixels within its boundaries.
- Perimeter - (P), Bean circumference is defined as the length of its border.
- MajorAxisLength - (L), The distance between the ends of the longest line that can be drawn from a bean.
- MinorAxisLength - (l), The longest line that can be drawn from the bean while standing perpendicular to the main axis.
- AspectRatio - (K), Defines the relationship between L and l.
- Eccentricity - (Ec), Eccentricity of the ellipse having the same moments as the region.
- ConvexArea - (C), Number of pixels in the smallest convex polygon that can contain the area of a bean seed.
- EquivDiameter - (Ed), The diameter of a circle having the same area as a bean seed area.
- Extent - (Ex), The ratio of the pixels in the bounding box to the bean area.
- Solidity - (S), Also known as convexity. The ratio of the pixels in the convex shell to those found in beans.
- Roundness - (R), Calculated with the following formula: (4piA)/(P^2)
- Compactness - (CO), Measures the roundness of an object: Ed/L
- ShapeFactor1 - (SF1)
- ShapeFactor2 - (SF2)
- ShapeFactor3 - (SF3)
- ShapeFactor4 - (SF4)
- y - the class of the bean. It can be any of BARBUNYA, SIRA, HOROZ, DERMASON, CALI, BOMBAY, and SEKER.
- Support vector classification
- Multilayer perceptron
- XGB classifier
- Voting classifier
Trained using Kaggle CPU
- votingclassifier f1_score Train: 0.9502
- votingclassifier f1_score test: 0.94003
- HossamEldin Mohammed,
- Ahmed Abdel-Rahim El-Sayed,
- Abdelrhman Elsaied,
- mahmoud sorour ragab,
- Muhamed Mustafa