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                         * Welcome to TicTacToe 2 Game *
Developer : Maha Mahmoud Hamza
Language Used: Java
Application Type: Console Application

How To Run:
-Input are being read from configs file"default", if you want to change the file path please provide
 the new path in, FILE_PATH variable.
 Remember that your system will exit if the file path is invalid
-in file configs , read data on the form board_size,player1_symbol,player2_symbol,player3_symbol
 defaults are set to 3,M,N,C change values to configure new Data
 P.S. Validations are applied to input , in case of wrong data , system will terminated with warning message

if you are running the maven application do the following:
  -import the project into eclipse
  -run maven update to get libraries ... etc
  - if you gonna run it from eclipse just choose TicTacToe as your Main Starter Class, 
  if you gonna run it as a jar everything is configured in pom.xml just be sure that 
  you run mvn clean install command then run java -jar MetroGroupAG-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Strategy and Algorithm:
First of all we have two types of players,
   (a) Human Player    (b)Computer as a Player
the players according to the requirements are three , 2 humans and 1 computer players
humans should choose their inputs , computer move randomly according to the empty slots 
P.S. (Edit if i have time or for the future,make computer play smart enough, it will depend on scanning the board 
before every computer move to check empty slots and pick best position instead of random moves)

1- initial check on data input , if it violate the game role, system will show warning and terminate
   otherwise game will be initiated and started

2- when game starts , random player is being chosen and announced from the 3 players and prompted "if human player is chosen"
   to input his move

3- if the player is human , then input is taken and validated, if it's invalid , warning message will
 be displayed and re-ask the player to enter the input again otherwise it will proceed in moving action
 if the chosen position is not available it show warning and ask to re-enter the input again otherwise
 play is placed and a check for winner is being run, if their is a winner, he is announced and game is ended, if no winner check on 
 the board if it's full or their is a place for next play before proceeding.
4- if the computer is the player , random position is generated,and a check for empty position is done , if not , anew random 
position is being generated until one fit an empty position and a winner/draw check is done otherwise call for next player.

Players are being chosen in turn after the random start player is choosing

Design Patterns Used:
1- Singleton Design Pattern - used in Game Manager as it's necessary to have just one instance of it along the game life
2- MVC Design Pattern - for separation of concerns
3- Observer Design Pattern - since their are many relations between objects , so notification medium must be used to alert changes
4- Factory Design Pattern - since we have two types of player, so Factory pattern is the robust and i can hide the identity of the players 
   and give just necessary info


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