To get some practice in machine learning, I trying to solve the prediction of an NFL Game with machine learning.
I use the NFL Game API ( for the underlaying data.
To prevent reengineering the whole nflgame data collection, I used following PyPi Project:
Thanks to that really nice api conenctor @BruntShishi ! (
Special thanks to @mlenzen to port the nflgame extension to Python3! (
First I was predicting the total game score per team, by knowing the total passing yards and the total rushing yards per game. So, i tried following:
Passing yards: 324
Rushing yards: 146
Score: 29.59975832
The values are from the Denver Broncos vs. Seattle Seahawks Game. (first week of 2018). I trained my model with all plays from 2009 - 2017.
The real points where 27 for the Broncos. My prediction was 29.59 Points.
Linear regression gave me following function:
Scores = -0.02393084 + 0.05351758 * passing_yards + 0.08413694 * rushing_yards
Linear regression is computed in tests/
Start in console.