A extension to declare a CSV File with certain redirect pairs (New Url and Old Url). If Magento 2 try to force an 404 error this extension check first: "Contains the CSV the requested URL?" If the CSV contain the requested URL the extension will redirect to the new url and send a 301 to the browser.
With this extension you have a chance to minimize 404 errors on your page. You will often need this for SEO purposes.
- Copy the whole content of this module in your Magento installation directory.
- Run "bin/magento setup:upgrade"
- Depending on your Workspace: Run setup:di:compile and redeploy static-content if needed
- Clear cache (Console "bin/magento c:c" or via Backend)
- Customize the var/dreinulleins.csv to fit your needs. Every row one pair of URLs.
- Rewrite templates and customize them.
- Test extension and be happy.
Best regards and happy coding!