This project is a Compiler Lab (Winter 2020) Project of Bachelor's Degree of Computer Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University In this Project, a simple version of the DOT language is implemented using ANTLR.
DOT is a DSL(domain-specific language) that can describe graphs, either directed or non directed. This is an example of DOT executed with dot2tex(a console program).
ANTLR is a parser generator, a tool that helps you to create a parser. For the installation of ANTLR on your platform, click here.
The grammar is defined with respect to is the lexer and this is the parser rules in ANTLR format.
To see if the parse tree is created in a way that we want, we can test it against some inputs. This is how you do it:
\\ Lines proceded by $ are command
\\ Lines proceded by > are inpu
$ antlr4 *.g4 -o test
$ javac DOT*.java
$ grun DOT graph
> digraph G {
> subgraph cluster0 {
> style=filled;
> a0 -> a1;
> label = "1";
> }
> subgraph cluster1 {
> node [style=filled];
> b0 -> b1 -> b2 -> b3;
> label = "2";
> }
> start -> a0;}
This is the respected output of the above, that has executed in terminal:
In this phase, a python listener for DOT language will be generated. To make things faster and cleaner for running the command to generate the parser using the ANTLR tool, a Gradle script is used. Click here to see the code.
./gradlew generateparser
This command generates a lexer and parser file in python, and a listener template file is called We override its function in another file called rather than changing its code directly. This is a simple Listener that supports some features of the DOT Language. It uses a python package is called Networkx for representing and manipulating the graph. There is a simple method in the GraphDOTListener class that uses Matplotlib to show the graph with the use of Netwrokx draw function. is a simple programm that gets input file from the system input and uses the listener to show the result. This is a simple input and its output.
In this Phase, a simple web application is implemented with the use of Dash. To run the app, first install the required packages using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then run the src/main-generated/ using following command:
python src/main-generated/
Then open the following url is shown in the terminal. this is how the application work-->