NOTE: All scripts are for network stress testing only, users are legally responsible for the illegal usage of these tools.
All scripts requires IP Spoofing.
List of available scripts:
- Massacre: A random IP protocol flooder. It just randomize packets, sources and protocols.
- EvilESP1-1: The first stable version of EvilESP, an ESP protocol flooder.
- EvilESP3: The latest EvilESP version. Now including both ESP and ISAKMP packets (each IP send both 1 ISAKMP and ESP packet). Sending also random cookie, msgid and packet data stream.
- CFuck 1.2: How many networks, companies and hostings whitelist entire Cloudflare subnets in order to avoid their Firewall and Anti-DDOS appliances to drop legit Cloudflare packets when protecting a site with it? Our script spoofs valid SYN packets from 10k Cloudflare IPs.