##This is Financial Market Model with ZIT (Zero Inteligence Trader) and Low-Intelligence (with Neural Network with BP algorithm) type of agents using continuous double auction mechanism. The aim of this model is to simulate and study financial markets behaviour. Based on suggestion of Farmer, et al. (2003) there was introduced new type of agent called Low-Intelligence Agent. Low-Int Agent is based on neural network with back propagation algorithm based on encog framework ####The code of the model is based on
- MASON version 18 which is described in README_MASON file, LICENSE_MASON file and here.
- Financial Market Model created by Michal Latek. More information can be found here on assembla or here on m-zbik github.
- Encog framework created by Jeff Heaton. More information can be found here.
####The model is based on (Papers can be found in the /papers/MzbikPapers)
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